Lead you to
Less Pain
Assist for 
Mental Wellness 
Support for every system of the body
Quality Sleep and Less Fatigue

Finding the Root Cause 

How Did I Get Here?
My Health Journey 
(Does this sound like your Journey)
Have you ever felt like you can't go on another day? Or felt so exhausted that getting out of bed seems impossible? Are you currently in a health crisis, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your future?

About 12 years ago, I found myself in a similar situation. I was in a severe health crisis. My energy was depleted, my motivation was gone, and my days were filled with a sense of hopelessness. Visits to the doctor only resulted in a multitude of prescriptions for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other ailments. I was tired of being tired, and I refused to become just another statistic.

Determined to reclaim my health, I embarked on a transformative journey. I radically changed my habits and even returned to school to learn how to help others navigate their own health crises. Over the past 10 years, I have been privileged to guide many individuals along this journey with me. Together, we have broken down walls, redefined how we view our bodies, fallen in love with ourselves again, and become people we can be proud of—all while achieving better health.

Now, it’s time to extend this lifeline to you. I invite you to join me on this incredible journey. Let’s discover together how you can become more consciously aware of how to care for both your mind and body. Let me help you love yourself again and embrace the vibrant life you deserve.

Are you ready to transform your health and well-being? Come along with me, and let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and revitalization together.

If you're ready to take the first step, please click the get started today button below—I can't wait to support you on your path to wellness.

Our Root Cause Wellness Trac
This is our most popular plan to begin you on a journey to better health 
Discover the Path to Ultimate Wellness with RBTI

Welcome to the premier destination for Root Cause Wellness. At the heart of our approach is The RBTI Testing And Wellness Trac Method, a comprehensive system designed to help you achieve optimal health through detailed consultations, testing, Holistic supplements, and addressing  deficiencies.

Have you ever wondered why you experience anxiety, depression, fatigue, or pain? Many physicians offer temporary "band-aid" solutions to these common symptoms. But what about your long-term well-being?

I believe in uncovering the root causes of your symptoms. Could they stem from micronutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, pH imbalances? Through an in-depth examination of some key levels found in your urine, I customize a regimen tailored specifically for you, guiding you towards Ultimate Wellness.

You don’t have to live with pain, sadness, fatigue, or "diagnosis." Energy, strength, and vitality are within reach once the root issues are identified and addressed.

Our mission is to help you achieve the ULTIMATE quality of life.

What can you expect from the 90 Day protocol: 


What is RBTI Testing and why do you need it?
Unlock Your Path to Effortless Wellness

Revitalize and optimize your health with our advanced RBTI (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization) Urine Testing. This cutting-edge method analyzes your biochemical balance through urine samples, providing you with invaluable insights into your overall health and well-being. Start your journey toward a healthier you by uncovering the secrets of RBTI testing today!

Discover Vital Insights:
  • Bloating: Understand the root causes.
  • Inflammation: Identify triggers and solutions.
  • Digestive Issues: Address problems like constipation or diarrhea.
  • Protein Metabolism: Learn how your body processes proteins.
  • Salt Impact: Discover how salt is impacting each cell of your body.
  • pH Levels: See how they influence every system.
  • Cell Debris: Learn its effects on your body's function.
  • Parasites & Candida: Determine their presence and impact.
  • Daily Functionality: Get a detailed understanding of how your body works each day.
  • Cellular level health: Deep dive into how the cells are suppose to function and what we can do to help you live your best life. 
  • Sugar load: Understand what sugar is doing to the cells, each system as a whole, and it may be playing a more pivotal role in your health than you may realize. 
With a comprehensive report, you’ll receive personalized recommendations to restore balance and promote natural healing.

What you will receive with the 3-Month Transformation: 
  • 3 RBTI tests (Value $441)
  • 3 Zyto Whole body scans (Value $261)
  • 3 Fully comprehensive personalized Reports (after each month's consults)
  • 3 Follow up consults (1 per month) (Value $201) 
  • Access to the 28 To Elevate Program (A great place to start) (Value $27)

### Special Offer: Valued at $930 

Right now receive 62% off regular price: $350 FOR THE 3 -MONTH TRANSFORMATION!

I will incorporate one of the programs below to your 90 Day routine....

28 To Elevate

...where you'll learn to make simple and effective shifts to implement in everyday life for sustainable change in 28 days!

  • Are you unhappy with the way you look and feel every day?  
  • You refuse to post pictures of yourself on social media for fear of judgment?
  • You want to make a change but you don’t have time or energy for the gym?
  • You feel so intimidated by the kitchen the thought of making something healthy for dinner is too overwhelming for you to take on?

If this sounds like you, join me for a 28-Day Transformation Challenge!

14 Day Reset
What To Expect In Your First 90 Days
My goal is to assist and mentor you in reaching your unique health objectives. The journey starts with an initial consultation, during which we evaluate your current health status and pinpoint opportunities for improvement and growth.

After setting clear goals, we collaborate to devise a tailored action plan. Throughout the coaching journey, I offer continuous support, ongoing consistent consultations, and direction to empower you in achieving optimal personal health success.

Begin your transformation today, and let's embark on the path to a healthier, more vibrant you!

5 Day Nutritive Cleanse
Let's help that COLON out
Get excited! You are about to change the course of your health. If this is your first challenge of this type, I am thrilled to be a part of your initial venture. I pray that this experience brings you significant returns in energy, rest, and clarity of mind. If you are a detoxing veteran, I salute you and remind you that with every cleanse you will shed deeper layers of waste. If you have unexplained negative emotions this week, embrace the moment as an opportunity to let go of baggage that prevents you from living in total freedom.

Get Educated On Your Health
We offer weekly further education workshops... 
The Art of Living Well: Transform Your Health with Our Upcoming Classes!
Discover how to take charge of your health with simple, sustainable actions at our curated events.
Our goal is to empower you with the tools to support every system of your body while being the gatekeeper of your home. It can be challenging to know exactly what to do each day to maintain optimal health and lead a clean lifestyle. We are here to support you. Let us take the guesswork out of it for you. Join us at any of our events and start feeling empowered and knowledgeable about the world around you.

Let's Take Some Action

It is time to begin taking control of your health today! I am here to help be your guide to better health. Your body was created to heal itself when given the right environment, so let me help you find that balance you need to begin that healing process. 
Click the button below and we will begin to take the next steps available for you. 
Copyright Mari Handley