This is cinnamon. She is a little camera shy, but she is the sweetest girl around. Now, I have to say that I am a little bit jealous of her. She really loves Danny more and she will come running when she hears him pull in the drive. She talks to him, loves on him, and treats him like a prince. 🤣🤣
Her story is quiet unique. She was not picked out and bought. We didn't go out searching for her. We were not even in the market for another horse after our Sugar died. But here she is. 
It amazes me how God cares about the small things. Sometimes we forget that He still wants to provide and love us. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts. This horse was such a reminder of just that love and care that God gives us. 
A few months after Sugar died. The kids began to pray for a new horse. Danny and I were not wanting a new horse and we were definitely not looking, but the kids kept praying everyday. They would talk about it constantly. They would ask when we would be getting one and every time I would say "NO, we are not getting another horse." 
One day, a couple of months later, we pull into our drive and came over the hill - THERE STANDS 2 HORSES IN OUR YARD! They were eating at the grass like they belonged there! 
I about died. When Danny got home, he opened the gate to the pasture and in they walked like they knew they were home.  He went out looking for the owner. When he found him, the man was tired of them escaping and was ready to be rid of them. So, needless to say, they found a home. Ever since that day, they were part of the family. They have never escaped from the fence or even tried to. 
Every time I see them I am reminded that God is a great big God who loves to love on His kids.  Our job is to have faith and trust in the process. HE NEVER FAILS!

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  


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