It's said that 90% of sickness and disease has an emotional root. I believe that so deeply. Yet emotions are something we seem to dismiss. A tear on the cheek, an ache in the heart that paralyzes us; a word that MUST be spoken; deep, deep grief; depression so intense we can not get out of bed; anger, pain, or a lack of forgiveness toward another person that cripples us and keeps us from our potential. 

This topic is near my heart and it is one that drives me everyday to share with others. Below is my testimony. I have been in a place of sadness and pain. It seems as you will not get out of it. But if you will hang around for this lesson, you will find some answers that I believe could be a way out for you. 


"Anxiety is real. Emotional turmoil real. There was a time that I was so depressed and in pain it was miserable. I had just had baby 5 and I was so sick. I could not function. Within the first month of his life, I had the flu and the most horrendous UTI I had ever had. Like IV antibiotics for several days because it was so bad. By month 8 I was having surgery for kidney stones. 
I was also finding out at this time that I was borderline diabetic, had high blood pressure,  I felt sick all the time, I could hardly walk because I hurt constantly, I had terrible post partum, and I was 80 pounds over weight. Even though the people in my life was so wonderful and supportive, I was drowning inside. It was a personal misery. Secretly I was afraid I was going to die and I would not be able to see my kids grow up. It was such a dark time and I really didn't know what to do to come out of this. 
As I stared at a prescription for High blood pressure the doctor had just handed and listened to him say "If you have not lost weight by the time you come back, you will have to be put on something for diabetes," I realized I didn't want to take this route. 
I realized that I had to take this into my own hands and I had to allow my body to heal on its own and I had to make the changes I needed to make. No one was going to make it for me. The doctor's solution was medication. That was not my solution. I became so relentless in my desire to take care of me and to find healing for my body naturally. 
It was definitely a very long road but it came. After more doctor visits with more specific questions on my part and looking for specific answers for why I felt so miserable and was in pain all the time, I found some answers and began to eat differently, feeling better a little each day. Through healing my gut, I actually began to heal emotionally and physically. It was such a surprise. It took totally coming outside of my normal and doing something that was not what we typically want to do. 
In the end, I lost 80 pounds, didn't have to go on any medicine, depression gone, and I feel better than I have in my LIFE. That was 9 years ago. 
So, why do I tell you this story. Because 3 things: 
1. We serve a great big God who made our bodies to heal themselves naturally. He made them to function in a very specific way. And I feel HE is bigger than me and He always knows best. WE just have to learn to TRUST HIM! 
2. I realized, after many hours of study, that everything leads to the gut. I was slowly killing myself with what I was eating everyday. I was doing the damage myself. I had to make a choice. I had to choose life or death. It is so hard to when you are in the midst of the misery to see past that misery, but we serve a God who is bigger still than that misery. 
3. I realized that depression meant that I was putting my trust in me not in the God of the universe. I was putting my life on the side of fear and NOT faith! WE STILL HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE EVERYDAY.  We choose what we are going to tell ourselves to believe everyday. Do we want to continue to tell ourselves we are sad and lonely, miserable or sick OR are we going to choose to tell ourselves that we are beautiful, worthy, and  loved by a God who loves to love on his kids? 
We are not promised that life will be easy. But we are promised that God will never leave or forsake us EVER. That is all that matters. That is what we have to hold on to more than anything. God does not cause the bad things in our lives. Satan is chaos and misery and fear. GOD IS LOVE!
The Bible says in James 1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." When I read this verse one day in a sad miserable place, I realized that if my heart was saying one thing and my mind was saying something opposite, then I was a double minded man. I can not succeed when MY THINKING AND FEELING WERE NOT ALIGNED! Again, I had to choose what I was going to tell myself. I had to choose to KNOW that....
I am loved!
I am worthy!
I am beautiful!
I am a child of the most high GOD! And He made me special for a special purpose. 
If you need some love today, if you are looking for some direction in your health, if you are tired of feeling depressed and being miserable, please pm me. I would love to help you find some relief. I love you! xo"

I have found that when I was intentional with my self-care, I could handle the pressure of everything surrounding me with so much more ease. It truly makes a difference when you want to backhand your children, but instead reach for Stress Away, and take 60-seconds to breathe it in. It makes even more of a difference doing a 30-day emotional self-release protocol for 5 minutes at bedtime. Sometimes we caught up in how we FEEL that we don't take the time to change it. WE just sit in it. 

So, today as you watch the next 3 videos, keep your mind open to what can be. Be open to love, feel, and allow yourself the room to heal. Enjoy the lesson and let me know some amazing takeaways you discover when you are done. 


"No plant can live if the root is cut away."  Louise l. Hay (Heal Your Body)

A simple daily protocol for keeping emotions in tact throughout the day. 


One of the most powerful ways to use the oil is for emotional support. It's where oils really get to show off. Just be sure you are using an "authentic" truly pure essential oil- not one filled with chemicals. 

The limbic lobe is the place I'd hang out if I were working on emotions. This is the emotional center of the brain. The second area I would focus on with emotions would be the gut. All things come back to the gut. 

"In the name of Jesus Christ, Subconscious, Conscious, heart, Mind, Will, Nervous System, Brain, RNA, DNA, and every genetic anomaly out of alignment with my pattern of perfection*, please locate the origin of my conscious and subconscious destructive cellular memories which caused the incorrect perceptions that created thoughts/feelings/belief of _________________________ (negative emotion)
Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my being to these origins. Analyze and resolve them perfectly with God the Father's Truth. 

Come forward through all generations of time and eternity, healing every event and its appendages based on origins. Please do it according to God the Father's will, until I'm at the present, filled with light and truth, God's Immanence, peace and love, benevolence, forgiveness of myself for my imperfect perceptions, having compassion for every person, place, circumstance, and event which contributed to any of these destructive memories, feelings, thoughts, or beliefs. With total forgiveness and unconditional love, I ask that my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual memory of perfection resonate throughout my being. 
I choose ________________________________ (insert positive feeling)
I feel  __________________________________ (same truth)
I am ____________________________________ (same truth)

It is done! It is healed! It is accomplished now! 

Thank you for coming to my aid and working together to help me rid my being of stress and attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you and I praise God the Father from whom all blessings flow. 

Now all facets of my being, please put this scripting on automatic so it repeats itself through each and every cell and fiber of my being every hour of every day for the next 180 days (or however long is best for me), thereby restoring perfectly healthy frequencies throughout my being and returning me to my original purpose, power, and magnificence! And it is done! Amen!" 

*And God said, "Let us make men in our image, after our likeness." Genesis 1:26
When we have Jesus, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside of us. The Bible also said that we are all made in His likeness. So, through these thoughts we have a "perfection" that is in us. When Adam and Eve sinned, we no longer live with that perfection, we of course, sin as well. But in order for us to fully live up to our potential, we must realize that the same creator that created this world still lives in us and is working through us all the time. We need to stop living in the past sin and past hurts and live to our full potential and BE LIKE CHRIST. 

The other piece to this script is the beginning where it says "In the name of Jesus Christ, conscious. subconscious, heart,  and mind, etc." Everything we know comes into our conscious mind. We see, taste, touch, and feel all things around us. Our conscious mind only knows what it is being told and it must believe what it see, or hears. BUT our subconscious mind CAN NOT TELL FACT FROM FICTION! This means we can "lie" to ourselves and it will begin to believe us. So, if I say, "I am ugly" over and over again - my subconscious does not know any better so it believes it. BUT if I say, "I am beautiful" over and over (even if you do not believe it at first), over time it will begin to believe it. Our minds are powerful. God is amazing! 

So, when reading this script allow yourself to go back to a happier time in your life. Allow your mind to completely absorb what you are reading. These words will soak in and begin to totally change the way you feel and think.  

This is a crash course in achieving better emotions. But if you are really serious about having better health in your mind, body, and spirit, then join me on a 28 day journey to a mindset that will change your entire life and help you achieve the health you are looking for. CLICK HERE to learn more and get signed up. 

Ready to get started with your oil journey,

I pray peace for you and a new journey of health. This journey of life is amazing and we have to CHOOSE what we are going to think, believe,  and do everyday. I love you. 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  


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