Can stress cause extreme fatigue?

Friend, does this sound too familiar? 

  • You wake up and are unable to function without a significant amount of caffeine.
  • You finally feel a boost of energy during the early part of the day.
  • Then your energy levels crash around 2 p.m., rise around 6 p.m., and fall again around 9 p.m.
Can stress cause extreme fatigue? Yes, it absolutely can....


Why We Fail

Why We Fail

Why We Fail

It's safe to say that all of us have, at some point in our lives, committed to a goal and quit. For example, you went paleo... for a week. You planned out your workouts for a month but only made it to the gym twice. Remember when you promised your dentist that you would start flossing every day?... :(
There are a multitude of reasons for quitting before you reach the finish line.  If you take a closer look, they ALL ultimately fall under two insecurities:

1. Fear of success and/or failure

Fear is a powerful thing. It creeps into everything you do: every opportunity, every decision, every responsibility. It can be a driving force or a crippling one. Sometimes it feels easier to stay comfortable exactly where you are rather than discover what is on the other side of the finish line. Fear is not something you overcome or learn how to remove altogether. Instead, recognize your excuses as FEAR.  
Next time you find yourself "falling off the wagon," think about why you made the choice to compromise and give up on yourself. Was fear a part of it? 

2. Feeling unworthy of the end result

For those that resonate with this insecurity, it is likely that this feeling of "being unworthy" stems from a time in your past when you might have been told that you didn’t deserve something, or you may have had your heart set on something and experienced disappointment when you didn't get it. Who hasn't felt disappointment in this way before? 
These experiences are important for growth in your life; however, If you are not in tune with your thoughts and you become wrapped up in your own EGO when expectations are not met, it is easy to feel like you aren't deserving or worthy of things you THINK you want in life. Telling yourself you are unworthy and undeserving will only bring more pain and suffering. 

"So what can I do?"

Break the cycle. Where to start, let's use tactical skills like your SMART goals to create daily, attainable success so that you can remove fear and doubt from your life.

When setting goals, it is very important to set SMART goals:

This is about making sure your goal isn’t too vague, but instead, represents exactly what you plan to accomplish.
This requirement assures that you can actually see and follow your progress in order to move in the right direction through quantitative means.
This refers to goals you can actually achieve in the time frame allotted. Having a goal to lose 50 pounds in one week would be an unattainable goal.
This refers to having a goal that you’re both willing and able to achieve.
Time-bound (or Timely)
This is all about making sure you have an end-date in mind; a goal to find a new job that fits the lifestyle you want isn’t really a goal unless you set a date by which you’d like to accomplish it. This will hold you accountable.

Example: I will make one homemade meal every day by the last week of this course.
Example: I will incorporate more physical activity: 30-60 minutes 3 times a week by week two.
Example: I will wake up, read my “why,” and think of one thing I am grateful for every morning starting tomorrow.

Would you like to learn more about setting health goals and achieving those goals? Join us for the 28 To Elevate

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

Women's Health

Women's Health
We are talking everything Women's Health. 

There's a silent epidemic happening to women everywhere: hormonal balance is being destroyed. Over twenty million of us suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, endometriosis, painful/difficult/heavy periods, and thyroid and adrenal issues. For the first time since their creation, birth control pills are being used to treat girls under the age of seventeen for endocrine-related concerns. Not only are young women suffering similar conditions to their mothers and sisters at an earlier age and with much more intensity, but new conditions are arising that women of older generations have not experienced. Hormone replacement therapy is at an all-time high. One in ten couples is infertile, and hysterectomies are still the number-one surgery performed on women. Modern gynecological care can't keep up with our demands, yet we women are desperate to restore balance, preserve fertility, and maintain youthful hormonal patterns in our bodies. 

Hormones affect everything. 

So what can you do? Grab these books: WomenCode by Alisa Vitti.  And  Taming the Dragon Within by LeAnne Deardeuff You will want these books!!! Begin to understand your body and why it does what it does! The easiest place to start? Know and track your cycle. I have a FREE printable PDF to help you do just that at the end of the email.


Here is the first phase of four when talking about your cycle:

PHASE 1: Follicular Phase
Duration: 7-10 Days

 Hormone focus. The hypothalamus signals your pituitary gland to send follicle-stimulating hormones to your ovaries, telling them to get ready to release another egg. Several egg follicles start to swell in preparation. Estrogen increases to thicken your uterine lining so that it can host an egg.

• Body focus. Physical energy increases throughout this phase, and you may sometimes feel restless.

• Lifestyle focus. Creativity and new beginnings characterize this phase. This is the time to direct your energy into stimulating projects at work and at home. Plan brainstorming sessions with your coworkers; save your most mentally challenging assignments for this week since your brain's penchant for creativity at this time makes it easier to problem-solve. Your physical energy is at one of its highest points during your follicular phase. Emotionally, you feel outgoing, upbeat, and revitalized.

• Exercise focus. Try something new-take that Zumba or yoga sculpting class you've been yearning to try at your gym. Putting your brain and body in a new, stimulating situation feels like an easy, natural thing for you to do at this time of the month.

CLICK HERE to get the breakdown of Phases 2-4 sent to your email inbox.

I hope this info helps to understand your cycle more in-depth! Now what? Get to tracking it and put that info to use. Click the next pic to download the printable PDF Cycle Tracker:

Last week we talked all about your cycle and why you feel a certain way during each phase. This week, let's talk about supporting your cycle with Young Living products.

First up, Progessence Plus.
Progessence Plus Serum was thoughtfully designed specifically for women. Made with natural, bioidentical progesterone from wild yam; this product promotes well-being and feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance.

Wild yam may: balance hormones, increase libido, boost energy, support hot flashes, and support symptoms of PMS.

Second, on the list is Super B.
Super B is a comprehensive vitamin supplement that provides all eight B vitamins and bioavailable minerals to provide the energy you need to feel great on the go. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B helps maintain healthy energy levels, supports cardiovascular and cognitive function, and eases feelings of everyday stress.

And last, but certainly not least, Master Formula.
Master Formula is a full-spectrum supplement that provides vitamins and minerals that can help support bone density and health, brain function, cellular protection, digestive health, energy levels, eye health, heart health, immune support, and skin health.

Listen in on this recording from Dr. Dan Purser. He goes into great detail about supporting hormones naturally with these Young Living products. Click the picture to listen to the recording:
Hormones are critical to maintaining vibrant health and regulating numerous body activities. Before starting any natural progesterone program that targets the body's hormone system, request that your hormone levels be tested by asking for a blood hormone panel taken by a specialist.

Now let's chat about "Glands That Make You Go."

The endocrine system is a network of glands in your body that make the hormones that help cells talk to each other. They're responsible for almost every cell, organ, and function in your body. These glands include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, reproductive, pineal, parathyroid, and thymus. Although each gland produces its own particular hormone, they are interconnected and play a huge role in women's health. 

One of the best ways to keep each gland healthy is to avoid endocrine disruptors. 

According to the NIEHS, many chemicals, both natural and man-made, may mimic or interfere with the endocrine system. Chemicals called endocrine disruptors are linked with developmental, reproductive, brain, immune, and other problems. Endocrine Disruptors are found in many everyday products, including some plastic bottles and containers, liners of metal food cans, cleaning supplies, skincare products, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides. Even low doses of endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be unsafe. The body's normal endocrine functioning involves very small changes in hormone levels, yet we know that these changes can cause significant developmental and biological effects. This observation leads scientists to think that endocrine-disrupting chemical exposures, even at low amounts, can alter the body's sensitive systems and lead to health problems.

So what can you do? Read labels. Know your ingredients, products, and how they are manufactured.

The most significant and first step you can take in supporting your Endocrine System is using a genuinely safe household cleaner. The choice in our family is Thieves Household Cleaner. This one product opened the door for safer and healthier choices, and we are so thankful. 

we wrap up Women's Health with information that will EQUIP YOU with confidence to limit your exposure to products and ingredients that can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. 

Did you know that cleaning products aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? It's true! The companies that manufacture cleaning products are held to no safety standard and no requirement for listing ingredients. When the Toxic Substance Control Act was passed in 1976, it grandfathered in thousands of unevaluated chemicals already in use. Because of this, there are still thousands of chemicals in cleaning products that have never been tested for safety. All kinds of nasty ingredients could be lurking in your cleaning solutions, and you'd never know it!

Many commercial cleaners contain allergy-inducing substances, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and neurotoxins. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can wreak havoc on your cellular health, thyroid, reproductive system, and even mental clarity. Children, babies, and pets are even more vulnerable to chemical exposure because they can't eliminate toxins easily as adults. Most of these products can cause injury if mishandled and pose a threat to the environment. Yikes.

One of the best ways to make your home a natural haven is to know what ingredients to avoid in your personal care and cleaning products. We're exposed to toxic chemicals every day, but you can reduce your exposure if you know what they are. Unfortunately, it's not enough to simply look for a "non-toxic" or "natural" claim on the label. The FDA doesn't regulate these claims, so you'll have to be a label sleuth and learn how to identify iffy ingredients yourself. In addition to these chemicals, you should look out for warnings and claims that might indicate a product is harmful to your health.

So what can you do? YL has this fantastic guide that will walk you through a deeper dive into turning "your home environment into a safe and healthy haven where you and your family can thrive."

Click the picture below to access the helpful guide, Home Cleaning Guide: How to Detox Your Home Naturally:

You are going to find that guide incredibly helpful! Enjoy!

I hope this has been extremely helpful for you. 

I am here as a resource and guide for you as you navigate this journey of health and wellness. If you are looking for more in-depth help on hormones, gut health, or emotions, click below and I will help you find the best place to start for  you. 

Sometimes we need a little more handholding when it comes to starting something new. I know how hard it can be to try to get healthy, lose weight, and find control. We don't always know where to start. Allow me to be your health coach and get you moving in the right direction. You will get one on one help finding the right way to eat for you, weekly meal planning, weekly interactives to go deep into why we get stuck in our health and how to create better lasting habits, monthly wellness scans to keep on top of what your body needs may be, we create a plan that makes it impossible to fail! By becoming part of our coaching program, you will get hours of your day back with our simple plan. 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

Healing Within

Healing Within
This class is all about emotions. Emotions can be difficult and even scary. It is so much easier to suppress emotions than to recognize, feel, and process them. However, the ability to recognize, feel, process, and release emotions will enable you to function in a more positive and successful state so you can live free to create the life you desire.

We learn about and develop emotions from birth, through early childhood development and onward. Which means that helping children recognize emotions and learn to process emotions is one of the most powerful gifts you can give as a parent or caregiver.

It also means that if you didn’t develop and utilize effective techniques to process your emotions early on, you may have some catching up to do. Don’t worry. I will give you easy tools to use so you can learn how to process your emotions in a healthy way.

In this class, I will share popular essential oils that can be used with various emotions. I will also share different techniques to make using your oils more effective for those of all ages.
*I am not a doctor. I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any of your illnesses. The content I cover is for informational purposes only. 
Introduce yourself. Share where you are joining in from and who invited you to this class. If you printed out the worksheet, write down three emotions you hold onto but would like to break free from once and for all. 

When talking about emotions, we must mention the limbic system. The limbic system is a system of nerves and networks in the brain that controls basic emotions and drives. It is the emotional brain. It supports five major functions: emotions, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and sense of smell.

Essential oils can be used to tap directly into the limbic system to stimulate memories and emotions. As you inhale essential oils, the tiny molecules enter the nasal cavity and pass by the olfactory bulb. Your olfactory bulb is a part of your limbic system and therefore your response to an aroma is going to be emotional before it can be rational.

This is great news! That means you can use essential oils to recall memories, both good and bad. If they are bad, you can use the oils to help you release cellular memories stored in the body, allowing you to process and move past them.

We all regularly come in contact with reactions to smells. You walk into the house at dinner time and smell your favorite meal being prepared. Your emotions are instantly triggered to the fond memories you have of that meal and you feel joy.

You smell the cologne your grandfather used to wear. It instantly triggers emotions based on your relationship. If you had a good relationship, you may feel emotions like love and joy. If you had a bad relationship or he has passed away, you may feel anger or sadness.
Now that we have covered a little science, let’s dive into these powerful blends and talk about how they can be used.


A blend of Sacred Sandalwood, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Frankincense, Orange, Angelica, Geranium, Hyssop, Spanish sage, Black spruce, Coriander, Bergamot, Lemon, Jasmine, Roman chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose.

Harmony™ is a blend of pure essential oils that contain scents to provide an uplifting aromatic experience.

Using positive affirmations with oils can make their effects even more powerful. As you connect a positive thought or affirmation to a physical smell, you begin to connect the two and establish a more intentional experience.

Learn more about affirmations here:

Diffuse 4-6 drops up to 1 hour three times daily.
- Harmony is perfect to diffuse to help keep the peace in your home.
- Diffuse around children playing to keep the atmosphere light and fun.
- Diffuse around your spouse to bring a sense of peace and harmony between the two of you.
Apply 2-4 drops to your collarbone for calmness and repeat the suggested affirmation.

Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.

“I am lovely."


“Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.”
Marianne Williamson

In a life full of relationships, there will be many times we need to forgive. When we are bothered by the actions of others in our past, we are filled with anger, hate, resentment, and emotional pain. Forgiveness is a way to release all of those negative emotions from your inner body and begin the healing process. One useful technique is to combine deep breathing while inhaling Forgiveness essential oil.

Deep breathing can be as easy as stopping what you are doing and taking a slow deep inhale, feeling your lungs expand and fill up. Then release your breath just as slowly as you took it in. Repeat this two more times.

The blend Forgiveness™ contains Sesame, Melissa, Geranium, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,  Coriander, Angelica, Lavender, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang ylang, Jasmine, Helichrysum, Roman chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose.

This combination provides an aroma that supports the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions, an important part of personal growth.

- Use this blend topically or in a diffuser to help feel and process forgiveness.
- Apply 2-4 drops directly to your right rib cage or the center of your right foot.
- Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
- Diffuse 4-6 drops up to 1 hour 3 times daily.

“I learn from all of life’s experiences.”
Repeat this affirmation as you practice your deep breathing exercise.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?”

You may have asked yourself and felt this many different times throughout your life, in the transition from a child to a teenager or teenager to an adult; when graduating from college and search for a career; when entering a relationship and needing to figure out who you are as you intertwine your life with someone else's life. The sweet fragrance of Inner Child™ may encourage you to connect with your authentic self.

This blend of Orange, Tangerine, Ylang-ylang, Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Spruce, Bitter orange, and Neroli may help stimulate memory response and help you reconnect with your own identity, which is one of the first steps to finding emotional balance.

- Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ or olive oil and apply to your earlobe as needed.
- Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
“I release the past.”

Think back to your childhood. What is the first thing that comes to mind that you used to do? 

“The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.”
― Thomas S. Monson

Present Time contains Sweet almond, Bitter orange, Black spruce, Ylang-ylang.
When diffused, Present Time™ helps you focus on the here and now, so you can get beyond the past and move forward. It was created to help bring people into the moment.
Pair meditation with Present Time for a more powerful effect.

Meditation is a practice of turning inward and bringing awareness to what is happening in the moment.

This blend is PERFECT for meditation as you focus on your breath, your body awareness, and your present thoughts.

- Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to the area two inches below belly button.
- Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
- Diffuse 4-6 drops up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.

“I see clearly.”

Release™ is a blend of Ylang ylang, Olive, Lavandin, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian™ sandalwood, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Blue cypress, Davana, Kaffir lime, Ocotea, Jasmine, Chamomilla recutita†, Blue tansy, Rose. It gives a relaxing aroma that facilitates the ability to let go of anger and frustration. It also promotes harmony and balance when diffused.

Let’s talk teens. It’s no secret that teens are emotional. Lots of changes are going on in their bodies. They are transitioning from childhood into adulthood and often struggle with being dependent on their parents while having a strong desire to be independent. They may also feel overwhelmed by the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing.
Communicating your love for your child is an effective way to help your teen during difficult life changes.

Giving teenagers tools to release unwanted emotions can be very helpful in creating an emotionally healthy teen, allowing them to feel and process in a healthy manner.

Movement can be used in various forms of intensity to work through or release different emotions. Many people find high-intensity fitness, such as running or sports like boxing, successful in releasing stressors and frustration, while others may find slow intentional movement, like yoga, great for releasing anxious feelings and cultivating a sense of peace.
Diffusing Release is a simple tool anyone can use and is very effective to help feel and process emotions such as anger, resentment, or guilt.

- Apply 2-4 drops directly below your throat above your clavicle.
- Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
- Diffuse 4-6 drops up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
“I let go with ease and grace.”

Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT)
AFT is a technique that uses the power of scent to gently shift awareness away from negative thoughts, feelings, and memories, and to initiate a positive outlook and attitude.  This results in greater confidence and inner freedom. When we are no longer stuck in negative mindsets, we are free to create the life we desire.

This twelve-step process is yet another tool you can use to help you release emotions and memories that are holding you back and allow you to move forward. It is a simple process that starts with setting an intention or goal you would like to achieve, one you don't believe is very attainable. You rate your intention on a scale of 1 to 10 and move through a series of steps incorporating your essential oils, which will allow you to move through different emotions that are limiting you. 

You can use very common oils such as Stress Away, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Thieves to help tap into these deep memories and emotions and release them to foster growth.

You can also use favorites like Inner Child, Release, Transformation and Believe.
You can purchase Dr. Benjamin Perkus' books through his website and walk yourself through the process or you can find a practitioner on his website to guide you through this process.

Do you ever feel "stuck" in a particular emotion or feeling but don't know how to move past that emotion? Share an emoji of GIF in the comments that would show your excitement if you could get "un-stuck."


The Feelings Kit is an incredibly affordable way to purchase six of the most powerful emotional blends. It’s only $188.25 for Young Living customers.

Let me break it down and show you just how good of a deal the Feelings Kit really is...

US Prices:
If you were to order all these oils individually, you would spend around $260. The Feelings Kit is only $188. That’s over a $70 savings!! As you can see, you get a HUGE discount when you choose the Feelings Kit.

When you order the Feelings Kit on subscription, you could earn between 18 and 47 reward points (depending on what % you are currently earning). You would also get FREE shipping since your order is 100 PV or more. If you were to add something small like a lip balm you’d bump your order up to the next promo level and get another FREE gift with your purchase, automatically added to your cart. 

Did you know? The Feelings Kit is also eligible for reward points redemption! 

Want to learn more about the best way to get started? Contact me here.

If you 
Are you feeling...
  • Tired and over-extended?
  • like life is more than you can handle right now? 
  • ragged all the time? 
  • stressed?
and you are ready to feel confident in your own skin, less stress, and ready to handle life again with tools you can pull out and use at any time to get a boost of self-love.?

Then grab my complementary 6 Steps to Emotional Transformation and find new ways to say “I love me!”

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

Oil, Sip, Repeat

Oil, Sip, Repeat

It’s no secret that people love their coffee… and their tea. These two drinks continue to remain at the top of the list when it comes to popular beverages. Hot or cold - fully caffeinated or decaf - the world just loves their brew! But did you know that Young Living has an entire collection of ingestible essential oils and they can totally bring your beverage game to the next level?  We will discuss the Young Living Vitality oils and ways to incorporate them into your coffee and tea recipes. We’ll even chat about their incredible ready-made tea options and how to get the best deal possible on it all. You won’t want to miss this! Let's get started. 
Did you know that coffee trees can grow to more than 30 feet high? We are going to talk more about coffee, tea, and essential oils during this blog post.  I hope you enjoy this post. 
Send a private message to 10 friends, inviting them to take a look at this post.  Comment “DONE” for a bonus entry into our giveaway! 
Here is some suggested wording for you… 
Hi ___ !! There is blog post about essential oils and coffee/tea. It's going to teach us how to use certain oils in drink recipes and what they’re good for. They’re also going to talk about the different teas YL sells and give us recipes for homemade coffee creamer and infused sugar, etc. Think you’d like to come? Oh - and did I mention it’s free? ;) 

Let's get started!!!!! 


welcome #1

Welcome to our Oil, Sip, Repeat class - I am so glad you’re here! I can’t wait to share about how you can safely incorporate Young Living essential oils into your coffee and tea recipes! I’ll even share some info on the great tea options Young Living has PLUS give you some recipes for homemade creamer and oil-infused sugar… and more! Are you ready?
Be sure to comment and stay tuned until the very end - we will have a giveaway! The more you interact the more entries you get. 
2 Why choose Young Living?
There are three main schools of thought when it comes to essential oil usage - the English, French, and German. The English model dilutes essential oils with a carrier oil and applies to the skin with the purpose of relaxation. The French model typically applies oils without a carrier and also ingests them. The German model focuses on inhalation of oils, also known as aromatherapy. Young Living combines those three models in hopes of experiencing the best possible results. As always, you are encouraged to do your own research and decide what works best for you and your family. 
If you choose to ingest Young Living essential oils, they make it easy for you to know which ones are generally regarded as safe to consume with their white-labeled Vitality line. They are the exact same oils as their color-labeled twins, just with a special label that includes ingestion. The oils have also been non-GMO project verified and just like the rest of YL’s products, they are backed by their Seed to Seal quality commitment. 
Young Living takes great pride in making sure you get a HIGH-quality essential oil and backs that guarantee all the way from the seed of the plant to the sealed bottle of oil. Check out some of the strict guidelines they abide by to fulfill their promise in sending only the best products to your home. 
  • plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)
  • sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil
  • great care is taken to preserve and protect natural resources
  • hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides
  • oils that retain all their natural constituents and therapeutic properties
  • use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods
  • low pressure and low-temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals
  • rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities
  • oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)
And the best part… if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. Check out more info on their Seed to Seal promise at 
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What surprises you the most about the Seed to Seal commitment? Tell us in the comments!


#3 Lemongrass Vitality & Orange Vitality
Now that you know a little more about the Vitality line and what makes Young Living oils so unique, let’s talk about some specific ones and how to start using them in the world of hot and cold beverages. 
First up - Lemongrass Vitality. This oil is full of bright, citrusy flavor and has a crisp, herbaceous bite to it. This oil is also a key ingredient in Young Living’s Slique CitraSlim weight-management products. And listen to this - it may support overall wellness, the digestive system, and a healthy circulatory system when taken as a daily supplement. Try a drop in some honey and then stir into your favorite tea - hot or cold! You can even start with a toothpick swirl and see if you’d like more. Simply stick a toothpick inside the orifice of the plastic reducer inside the oil bottle. Then swirl that around in your drink. 
Now let’s talk about one of my favorite citrus oils - Orange Vitality. This oil is packed with a sweet, citrus flavor profile and full of zestiness. Not only does it taste incredible in water, juice, smoothies, and NingXia Red, you can also add it to hot or cold tea! It contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene, has antioxidant properties, and cleanses the digestive system. How amazing! One thing to note: citrus oils can break down the petrochemicals in plastic so it’s safer to use stainless steel, glass, or ceramic when adding oils to your dishes and drinks.
Want to know something else pretty cool? Young Living carries a Bergamot Vitality oil. That’s the fruit that’s used to make Earl Grey tea!
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Are you a fan of citrus in your tea? 

#4 Lavender Vitality & Rosemary Vitality
Now it’s time to chat two plants you’re probably pretty familiar with - Lavender and Rosemary. Did you know they pair pretty well tea AND coffee? 
Lavender Vitality has a sweet and slightly floral flavor. You might want to have time to relax when you use this one because it improves sleep quality for occasional sleeplessness. How cool! It also supports general wellness, contains cleansing and antioxidant properties and helps ease occasional nervous tension. Try adding a toothpick swirl into a cup of chamomile tea at bedtime! 
Now let’s chat about Rosemary Vitality has a uniquely herbaceous taste and is usually found in savory recipes. However, it can pair quite nicely in a tea or coffee drink. It’s loved for its naturally occurring constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene, which can help maintain overall wellness when taken as a dietary supplement. It’s also one of the star essential oils in these Young Living products:  Thieves, En-R-Gee, and JuvaFlex, Essentialzymes-4, and Inner Defense. Try one drop of Rosemary Vitality + 1 TBSP maple syrup and mix it into some milk or cream. Froth the milk; add to your coffee or latte and top with a small dash of sea salt. Voila! 
---- / / ----
Have you tried either of these two oils yet? What do you like about them? 

5 Peppermint Vitality & Spearmint Vitality 
Up next - two wildly popular oils - Peppermint Vitality and Spearmint Vitality. Just a reminder - the Vitality oils are exactly the same as their color-labeled versions. Same oil, different label. The labels just make it easier for you to know which ones are safe to ingest. 
So what’s so good about Peppermint Vitality? This oil has a bright, cool flavor that is instantly recognizable. Not only can you add it to food, you can add it to coffee and teas… or hot chocolate! It’s pretty strong, so start with a toothpick swirl and go from there. The best part about this oil is its benefits. It supports gastrointestinal system comfort, enhances healthy gut function, maintains efficiency of the digestive tract, reduces feelings of discomfort after large meals, and may support performance during exercise. How amazing is that?! It’s such a powerhouse! 
What about Spearmint Vitality? This oil has a slightly different minty taste than Peppermint. Some find it a little milder but still refreshing in flavor. It adds a unique cooling effect to food and drinks. It’s especially delicious in iced tea! This oil has the ability to help calm tummies and support normal digestion when taken as a dietary supplement. It also contains naturally occurring menthol, carvone, and limonene. If you aren’t familiar with those - look them up! You’ll be pretty blown away with the benefits of consuming them. 
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Have you tried either of these two oils? Which one is your favorite? 


#6 Lemon Vitality & Lime Vitality 
So earlier we talked about Orange essential oil… now let’s talk about some more of the citrus oils Young Living has to offer for consumption - Lemon Vitality and Lime Vitality. Citrus oils are some of the most budget-friendly Young Living has so stock up or give them as gifts. They’re extremely versatile and can be used for a variety of things. It’s also important to note: citrus oils are cold-pressed from the rind so they don’t contain the same acidity level that the inside of the fruit has. In other words, you don’t have to worry about them messing with the enamel on your teeth! 
First up - Lemon Vitality. If you joined Young Living with one of the Premium Starter bundles then you already have this gem. It’s got such a bright and dynamic flavor profile and can be added to both savory and sweet dishes. And of course you can add it to your tea or favorite beverage - hot or cold! This oil has antioxidant properties, supports the immune system, provides circulatory support, and contains cleansing properties. 
Now let’s chat about Lime Vitality. Just like lime zest would bring some flare to your dish, Lime Vitality adds a punch of citrus and elevates the flavor with a zing! This oil supports the skin as well as the lymphatic system, respiratory system, and immune system. Add a drop to some honey and stir into some hot or cold tea and drink up! It’s delish! 
You’ll also want to go check out Citrus Fresh Vitality, Jade Lemon Vitality, Grapefruit Vitality, and Tangerine Vitality. Citrus Fresh is a blend of Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint essential oils and tastes amazing! Jade Lemon has a bit of a lemon-lime flavor and is a member fav. Grapefruit has a slightly tart flavor but is packed with benefits! Tangerine is one of the sweetest oils available so it’s a surefire way to bring a little liquid sunshine into your life. 
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Which one of these are you ready to add to some tea? 
7 Cinnamon Bark Vitality & Ginger Vitality 
Now it’s time to talk about some of those spicier options like Cinnamon Bark and Ginger! Remember - essential oils are highly concentrated so start small with a toothpick swirl and go up from there. You can adjust these to your liking! 
Cinnamon Bark Vitality has a warm, spicy flavor that can enhance a variety of treats and drinks. You can substitute Cinnamon Bark Vitality in any recipe that calls for ground cinnamon so try a toothpick swirl in your freshly poured coffee OR try a drop or two in the grounds before you brew it! Trust me - you’ll smell that delicious nostalgic scent in an instant. This oil contains the naturally occurring constituent cinnamaldehyde, has antioxidant properties, and can help support a healthy digestive and immune system. It’s also one of the main oils found in the Thieves blend and the Inner Defense supplement so you know it’s powerful. 
Ginger Vitality is distilled from the root of the ginger plant and is a great, versatile oil to keep handy in the kitchen. This oil pairs well with Fennel Vitality so try a toothpick swirl of each mixed into some honey and add it to your favorite hot tea - like Peppermint or Chamomile. The benefits of this oil come from its naturally occurring constituents zingiberene and beta-phellandrene. It’s also one of the key ingredients in several of Young Living’s digestion-supporting products: DiGize, Digest & Cleanse, EndoGize, ICP, and Essentialzymes-4. Think gut health! 

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We are almost to the recipes portion of this class. Drop your favorite drink GIF down in the comments if you’re


Thieves Vitality, Nutmeg Vitality, Cardamom Vitality
Now for the last few oils we will talk about today - Thieves, Nutmeg, and Cardamom. Is anyone chompin’ at the bit - ready to try these oils in some recipes? That’s coming up next! 
If you joined Young Living with a Premium Starter Bundle then you’re familiar with this first oil blend - Thieves Vitality. It is an absolute powerhouse! There’s an entire line of products based on this blend of Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils. It’s got a sweet and spicy flavor profile and makes a great addition to tea OR coffee. Thanks to the antioxidant properties within, you’re going to get immune system support, digestive support, and general wellness support with this blend.
Now for a personal favorite - Nutmeg Vitality. I love adding this one directly to my mug of coffee in the morning. It mixes in well with a little splash of creamer too. The smell of Nutmeg just brings me back to a cool day where I’m bundled in a sweater and baking holiday treats. Mmmm! So comforting. It has a slightly spicy, pungent flavor and brings such warmth to the dishes or beverages it’s added to. It has many health benefits, including cognitive function support, immune support, and powerful antioxidants.
Cardamom Vitality is steam distilled from cardamom seeds and is one of the world’s favorite cooking spices. Although it’s mainly used in a variety of baked goods and savory dishes, it also makes a great addition to a warm drink! I love adding a drop of Cardamom Vitality to a spoon, topping it with honey, then stirring it into a hot mug of dandelion root tea. Add a splash of Vanilla almond milk and voila - a delicious treat! This oil supports wellness and a healthy lifestyle, is a powerful antioxidant, and supports a healthy digestive system. It’s certainly a must-have for every kitchen.
There are tons of other Vitality oils available from Young Living. Take a minute after class to check them all out here:
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What benefits from these oils are you most excited about? There are so many! 


#9 Tea Recipes
Now for the moment you all have been waiting for - recipes! We will start off with some tea recipes using some of the Vitality oils we just discussed. I’ll be sending some coffee recipes your way soon so stay tuned! 
Wellness Tea
  • 1-2 drops Thieves Vitality
  • 1-2 drops Lemon Vitality 
  • Honey to taste
  • 6-8 oz. hot water; tea bag optional
Heat water (or brew tea) to your liking. Add essential oils and honey. Stir well and enjoy!

Coconut Thieves Tea
  • 1 TBSP full-fat coconut cream
  • 1-2 drops Thieves Vitality
  • 1-2 tsp honey or sweetener of choice
  • Tea bag of your choice
  • 6-8 oz. hot water
While water is heating, mix coconut cream and essential oil in a mug. Stir in honey or sweetener. Carefully add hot water and drop in tea bag. Allow tea to steep for 3-5 minutes. Stir again and enjoy!

Spiced Chai
  • 1 drop Lemongrass Vitality 
  • 1 drop Ginger Vitality
  • 1 drop Cardamom Vitality 
  • 1 Chai Tea bag
  • Honey or sweetener to taste (optional)
  • 6-8 oz. hot water
  • 2 TBSP frothed milk (optional)
Once heated, add water to mug and drop in tea bag. While tea is steeping, froth milk. Remove the tea bag; add in essential oils and honey. Stir well. Add frothed milk to top and enjoy!
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Do you prefer hot tea or iced tea? Or neither?


#10 Young Living Tea Options
Did you know Young Living has four ready-made tea bags that are already infused with essential oils? Yes! They’re super tasty, too! Let’s take a look… 
  • Slique Tea - formulated with natural ingredients to help support individual weight goals. This tea is rich in flavonoids, a dietary compound generally associated with helping maintain certain normal, healthy body functions. It also contains polyphenols, which makes it a great addition to a healthy diet and exercise plan. This tea is also enhanced with 100% pure Frankincense powder.
  • Vanilla Lemongrass Green Tea - contains organic Chun Mee green tea, organic Clouds and Mist green tea, organic lemongrass, organic licorice root, natural lemon flavor, and organic vanilla flavor. It starts with sweet, herbaceous notes and melts into a brighter taste of lemongrass before finishing with an earthy hint of licorice. It pairs well with Orange Vitality essential oil and contains less caffeine than coffee.
  • Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea - contains organic ginger root, organic cinnamon bark, organic rooibos, organic fennel seed, organic peppercorn, organic turmeric rhizome, organic sarsaparilla root, natural chai flavor, and organic vanilla flavor. It pairs well with Tangerine Vitality essential oil and is caffeine free. 
  • Orange Rose Hip Black Tea - contains organic herbs and roots, including licorice root, rosehip, Assam black tea, and pu’erh tea. Prominent top notes of orange gently segue into a subtle flavor of honey that finishes with the simple, comforting taste of rosehip. It pairs well with Lemon Vitality essential oil.

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Have you tried any of these yet? If so, which one is your favorite? If not, which one do you want to try first? 


#11 Coffee Recipes 
So there are a few ways you can incorporate Vitality oils into your coffee routine. You can add a drop or toothpick swirl straight to the mug. You can add a drop or two to the coffee grounds before brewing. (My favorite is to add one drop each of Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, and Nutmeg to the grounds before brewing. So tasty!) You can make up a simple syrup or infuse sugar with them. You can even get creative and use them in creamers. So many fun ways to add them! First, let me give you a few “fancy” drink recipes, then we will talk cream and sugar.

Lavender Latte
  • 2 oz. espresso
  • 4 oz. whole milk
  • 1-2 drops Lavender Vitality 
  • Dried lavender flowers (optional) 
While the espresso is brewing, add the essential oil to cold milk. Warm the milk to approximately 150°F using a steam wand; allow the milk to froth slightly. Pour the steamed milk into the espresso. Sprinkle with dried lavender flowers if desired. Enjoy!

Peppermint Mocha
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups strong brewed coffee
  • 2 TBSP cocoa powder
  • ¼ c sugar, adjusted to taste
  • 1-2 drops Peppermint Vitality
  • Chocolate syrup (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
Using a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium high heat. Continue to whisk the milk until it starts to bubble, careful not to let it burn. Add the brewed coffee. In a small bowl, whisk together the cocoa powder and sugar until no lumps are found. Add the mixture to the saucepan. Whisk the two together until a creamy texture is achieved. Pour into two coffee mugs and add 1-2 drops of Peppermint Vitality to taste. Add whipped cream and a chocolate syrup drizzle if desired. Enjoy! 

Rosemary Lavender Latte 
  • 1 cup oat milk
  • 2 drops each of Rosemary & Lavender Vitality
  • 1 TBSP honey
  • 1 shot espresso
Combine milk, honey, and oils in a small saucepan and bring to boil. Prepare espresso. Froth the milk mixture and pour over espresso.
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Mmmm, don’t these sound so good! Which one do you want to try first? 


12 Creamer Recipes 
There’s just something about a cozy mug of creamy coffee that warms my soul. I know some people enjoy their coffee black, but I love my cream, especially when it’s infused with my favorite oils. For this recipe I will give you the base and then YOU get to decide what oils to add! 
Oil-Infused Creamer
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk or half & half
  • 4 drops Vitality oil(s) of choice 
Combine ingredients and store in glass container. Invert before adding to beverage. Suggested Vitality oils to use: Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Clove, Ginger, Thieves.
Fun Fact: This creamer recipe fits in an empty bottle of NingXia Red! So don’t toss those bottles. Recycle them by making your own custom coffee creamers. 
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Which Vitality oils would you choose for your creamer? 


13 Simple Syrups + Infused Sugar & Ice Cubes
You can really elevate your coffee game and achieve that coffee shop “fancy” taste with these next tricks. Creating a simple syrup is an easy way to add a sweet flare to your brew. 
Oil-Infused Simple Syrup
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • Vitality oil of choice (Lavender, Cardamom, Thieves, etc.)
Add sugar and water to small saucepan and warm over medium heat. Continue to stir until sugar dissolves. Allow to cool. Add in essential oil one drop at a time until desired taste is reached. Store in a sealed glass container and refrigerate until ready to use. Add 1-2 TBSP to brewed coffee and enjoy! 

Oil-Infused Sugar
  • 2-3 cups sugar
  • 3-5 drops Vitality oil of choice (Orange, Tangerine, Peppermint, etc.) 
Add sugar to airtight container and add in essential oil. Stir and allow to sit overnight. Add to coffee or tea as desired. 

Cold Brew Oil-Infused Ice Cubes
  • 2 cups cold brew coffee
  • 2 drops Vitality oil of choice 
Add essential oil to cold brew coffee and stir well. Pour into ice cube tray and allow to freeze completely. Add ice to cold brew or milk as desired. Enjoy! 
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Are you craving your favorite drink yet? Now tell me - do you like your coffee cold or hot? 


14 Get the Best Deal 
Wow! Are you ready to start adding Vitality oils to your next drink? How amazing is it that we get to enjoy nature’s gift in this way?! Before we wrap things up I want to make sure you know how to get the BEST deal on these oils and products. 

To get all the deets on how to get started, click below and go to started:
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Newbies: What questions do you have?
Not-So-Newbies: Tell us why you decided to give Young Living a try! 

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If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  
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