The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

The Dirt on Spring Cleaning + Products

Ahhh! Open those windows and breathe in that fresh spring air! Spring is here, which means it’s time to start thinking about our spring cleaning checklists. There’s just something about the nice weather that brings on motivation for a fresh start. So let’s get to it! But wait, before you reach for those cleaners and get to work, let’s do a little digging into those ingredients, shall we?

Did you know? In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. With no federal regulations on ingredients in household products, the only way we can protect our families is to learn how to read labels ourselves.

Let’s take a look at the top 4 ingredients to avoid and why.

This first ingredient is a BIG ONE, but it is in just about every household product that we use daily. Synthetic scents or “fragrances” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients, including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as candles, air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

Let’s talk about fragrance, or parfum or perfume or a million other names ;) This Article shares the dangers of Fragrance. "Synthetic scents or “fragrance” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals, and environmental toxicants. You can find these artificial scents in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as air fresheners, cleaning materials, and laundry detergents.

In general, there at least 3,000 ingredients that companies could use to form a product’s scent. According to the online “Transparency List” put out by the International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group. It may seem unbelievable, but the FDA does not even require fragrance and cosmetic makers to disclose exactly what they are using to scent products. If companies are using truly natural ingredients, then why be shy? Many will say that their formulas are proprietary, and they don’t want other companies copying them. The FDA website also states how the agency cannot legally require companies to warn about allergens in cosmetics like they do with food.

Are you wondering why companies would continue to use synthetic scents if they’re so bad for our health? The answer is straightforward — they are cheaper. Synthetic scents can be extremely cheap to give everything from shampoo to lotion to candles a desirable scent. Unfortunately, just because you enjoy a scent doesn’t mean it’s good for you." Source -

Parabens are preservatives that mimic estrogen. Found in many cosmetics & personal care items. When combined with heregulin, a growth-promoting substance normally found in breast tissue, the effects are multiplied by 100x, contributing to breast cancer, tumor growth &"moobs" (man boobs). Phthalates are a low-cost endocrine-disrupting chemical that in lab studies has shown to interfere with hormone production in rats and mimic estrogen in human studies. Found in: plastic food packaging, lotions, skin moisturizers, fragrance, cleaners, glues, and nail polish.

This chemical is used to de-grease car engines. It is also added to some toothpaste, soaps, detergent, skin products... it's in just about everything. It damages the kidneys/liver, teeth, endocrine system, causes hair loss, cataracts, ulcers, major toxicity, headaches, nausea, coughing, congestion, and more.

An antibacterial agent registered as a pesticide by the EPA. Topical absorption has shown disturbances to the endocrine system and is believed to lead to birth defects and uncontrollable cell growth. Found in: soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, shave gel, first aid spray, kitchenware, and toys.

While there are many, many other ingredients that you will want to know about, these are my "TOP OFFENDERS." As you go further on this low tox living journey, you will learn about so many more. Remember, "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day," and your journey of learning is just that, a journey.

I have a FUN Spring Cleaning Challenge starting March 14, 2022. Challenges in 10 Days with FANTASTIC info on why you should do them, all for FREEEE and with accountability! Are you ready to join in??? Let’s DO IT!!!

More resources for you:

I've got tons of resources to share with you!  Come join our MARI'S ESSENTIALS FACEBOOK GROUP This is where the challenge will be taking place, so be sure to come over and like the page so you don't miss out on any of the good stuff. 

 All of these resources are located in my COMPLEMENTARY online group called HOLISTIC HIDAWAY GROUP.   

Ready for next level results? Check this out!

You can also join our online WELLNESS community where you can create along with me your one-on-one wellness plan and consultation to find what your body needs specifically, weekly health updates and strategy planning, and monthly wellness scans to keep your health moving forward and taking the guess work out of what your BODY needs. One great thing about this community, is that all your information is private, and you have access to your own information, but you also have access to the group discussion to learn from others and get feedback on challenges you may be having. It is a perfect combination. All this is INCLUDED in the one-time price of $47! These services are typically $250 consultation and set up. This special is only available until April 1 and then the price goes back up, so grab your spot today! 


There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  


Welcome to our All Things KidScents class - I am so glad you’re here! I can’t wait to share about some incredible “tools” to have in your toolbox. Get ready to push the EASY button when it comes to caring for your kids’ wellness needs.
We’ll go through the entire Young Living KidScents Collection and cover ways you can start incorporating them into your daily routines, setting your kids up for success and giving their growing bodies exactly what they need to thrive.

So many products sold to us on a regular basis can contain toxins that can accumulate in our bodies, especially our children’s bodies. We definitely don’t want that! It’s important to choose products that are TRULY safe. Many products are being advertised as “all-natural”, but are they really all that safe? The packages are pretty and the labels are clever, but the more you dig, the more you find out. 
When you shop with Young Living you are getting quality products backed by a ‘Seed to Seal’ guarantee that you won’t find anywhere else. You can expect that Young Living will provide you with only the BEST - that includes their essential oils AND their wellness products. 
  • Plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)
  • Sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil
  • Great care is taken to preserve and protect natural resources
  • Hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides
  • Oils that retain all their natural constituents and therapeutic properties
  • Use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods
  • Low pressure and low-temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals
  • Rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities
  • Oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)
And the best part… if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. YL would rather have something go out of stock than let an inferior product slip through to us. It's rare to find a company with such high standards.  Now that’s amazing!! To learn even more, check out
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Have you taken a peak at the labels on the products in your home yet? Do you see any of the ingredients that might be questionable? Show us a pic of the stuff you’ve decided to toss! Let’s do this together! 
Before we dive into the specifics, let’s discuss using essential oils with kids. According to some schools of thought, oils shouldn’t be used on children. Do yourself a favor and do NOT go looking online for advice on this topic. You will scare yourself into not using them. Remember, not all essential oils are created equally. Young Living takes GREAT care to ensure you are getting the best of the best, oils that are safe to use on and around your kiddos! We just have to take into account their smaller bodies and learning immune systems. Here are a few safety tips….
  1. When in doubt, dilute. There are no hard and fast rules about dilution so don’t stress over it. You just want to start slow since their systems are more sensitive than adults’. A good place to test out oils is on the feet. Thankfully, the oils from the KidScents line come pre-diluted to make application easy, taking the guesswork out of diluting it yourself. The recommended application is for children ages 2-12 but I’ve known many mothers to use them on children younger than that. 
  1. Never drop oils directly into the eyes or ears.
  2. Be aware of any blends that contain citrus oils as these are photosensitive and should be avoided if being exposed to direct sunlight - or applied 12+ hours before exposure. 
  1. Start with just a few drops or less when diffusing around kids. As you see how they respond to the oils, you can increase the amount as you see fit. If you’re in a more open room, you can use more. If you diffuse in a smaller, more compact area, use less. Everyone’s body has different needs and responds to oils in his/her own unique way so start slow. Young Living also has an adorable kid-friendly diffuser called “Feather the Owl” that kids love! It’s a humidifier, aroma diffuser, night-light, and white-noise machine - all in one. It’s definitely a must-have. 
Don’t let all the “rules” with essential oils overwhelm you. Just get the oils on and around your kids; the oils will do their job. Lastly, involve your kids in the oil process… let them smell the oils, pick out their favorites, and whip up their own rollers and recipes. They’ll love getting to participate and have a say in what gets used. 
What is one thing your kids complain about most often? 

TummyGize is the perfect blend for little tummies that aren’t feeling so well. Say yes to more belly laughs and fewer belly aches! It contains seven oils that are specifically formulated and blended to soothe and relax. 
This is a favorite around our house. Every time we have any upset tummy, this is where we go. TummyGize allows cools your tummy and helps to keep the queasy away. Even though it is for kids, even our adult people in the house uses it as well. It will help your next yucky tummy feel better quick. 
  • Spearmint - gentler than peppermint and enhances relaxation
  • Peppermint - supportive and soothing
  • Tangerine - rich in limonene (look up the benefits)
  • Fennel - used as a digestive aid for thousands of years and mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, the Ebers Papyrus
  • Ginger - soothes, comforts, and balances
  • Cardamom - protects the stomach
  • Anise - a key ingredient in the Essentialzymes supplement
Are you seeing a connection here? --> Little tummies will love this blend!
Usage: Apply to the belly button and rub in a clockwise motion to follow the normal digestion pattern every 30 minutes for an hour and as needed thereafter. 

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Speaking of digestion, what’s your kid’s or kids’ favorite food? 

This blend is amazingly effective! It is rejuvenating, refreshing, and perfect for little lungs. It contains ALL these incredible oils… 
The seasonal sniffles are always an issue when you are in and out of the cold and rain. But SniffleEase really helps to make your nose feel so much better. Rub a little under your nose or on your chest and it feels so good. My kids breathe so much bette when they use this. It really takes the guess work out of what to use on your people. 
  • Eucalyptus Blue - unique Eucalyptus oil grown in Ecuador
  • Palo Santo - known as the poor man’s Frankincense
  • Lavender - balancing and calming
  • Dorado Azul - recognized only as a weed in Ecuador until Gary Young analyzed it for the first time and gave it an identity
  • Ravintsara - has purifying properties that are a cross between nutmeg and clove
  • Myrtle - balancing and soothing
  • Eucalyptus Globulus - also found in Breathe Again and can be soothing to muscles
  • Marjoram - known as the ‘herb of happiness’
  • Pine - shares similar properties with Eucalyptus Globulus and their actions are enhanced when combined
  • Eucalyptus Citriodora - traditionally used as a perfume in linen closets
  • Cypress - this oil gets things moving!
  • Eucalyptus Radiata - cleansing and purifying
  • Black Spruce - releasing and grounding properties
  • Peppermint - not just good for the belly, opens up the airways too
The four different varieties of Eucalyptus in the blend make it a powerhouse oil.
Usage: Apply to the spine, bottoms of feet, or chest every few hours or as needed. Diffuse as needed. Start with a few drops and adjust as you see fit.
How do you know when your little one is not feeling well? 

SleepyIze is perfect for calming and relaxing the mind and body before bedtime (or naptime).  It contains all these amazing oils… 
  • Lavender - relaxing, harmonizing, balancing
  • Geranium - excellent for the skin; fosters peace, well-being, and hope
  • Roman Chamomile - calming, soothing; perfect for adults, children, and pets
  • Tangerine - helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Bergamot - relaxing to the mind and body
  • Sacred Frankincense - mood-elevating and relaxing
  • Valerian - promotes feelings of relaxation and eases occasional restlessness
  • Ruta (Rue) - sleep-inducing properties
 We use this oil every day at naptime. There were days my kids refused to take a nap. Now they have their own bottle and  reaches for it and applies it themselves and sleeps like a baby!
Are you starting to get an idea of the attention to detail that Gary Young displays as you learn about the properties of the different oils that make up these blends? He was meticulous. He did his research and selected just the right oils that when all perfectly paired together would create a blend that was pure magic.
Trust me… when you experience this for yourself, you’ll believe in magic too!
Usage: Apply to the spine, bottoms of feet, or chest before bedtime or naptime. Diffuse as needed. Start with a few drops and adjust as you see fit.
What are some of your struggles during bedtime?

The name of this blend pretty much says it all, but it involves way more than you are probably thinking. You can grab this KidScents gem when your little one has some skin that needs soothing. You can even grab this oil to help ease emotional and mental hurt or stress... an area we may tend to overlook.

 Last week my son fell off his bike. He was an absolute mess - wouldn’t calm down and just kept showing me his knees. We finally went inside and I applied this oil to his knees. When I applied the oil he calmed down almost immediately. We applied the oil three times a day for the next 3 days and they looked perfect by day 4.
Children have to work through some of the same feelings and emotions as adults do, but at times it can be harder for them to process. Oils have a powerful impact on the emotional center of the brain and can be a great tool when helping your little ones deal with emotional trauma of their own. Check out the oils it contains… 
  • Idaho Balsam Fir - soothing and rejuvenating to the body and mind
  • Tea Tree - cleansing and supports healthy skin
  • Helichrysum - known for its restorative properties
  • Elemi - in the same botanical family as Frankincense and Myrrh (great for skin)
  • Cistus - honey-like scent; used for stress and trauma
  • Hinoki - energizing and uplifting to the mind
  • Clove - supports overall wellness; main ingredient in Thieves
You can witness in this blend how intentional Gary was in choosing oils that are useful for our physical body along with our emotional minds to benefit the body as a whole.
Usage: Apply Owie topically to the area in need. Use as needed.
What kind of emotions do your kids have trouble expressing? Any emotions they express well?

Speaking of the mind, that brings us to our next blend in the KidScents Collection -  GeneYus. This one is perfect for helping young minds focus and concentrate on projects and the task at hand. Let’s be honest... I’ve never met a kid who couldn’t use a little extra help in this area, have you? Ha!
Take a look at all the oils inside… 
  • Sacred Frankincense - high in sesquiterpenes which send oxygen to the limbic system of the brain
  • Blue Cypress - used to aid in the body’s natural response to irritation and injury
  • Cedarwood - promotes a sense of security and peace
  • Idaho Blue Spruce - relaxing to the mind and body
  • Palo Santo - used to purify and cleanse negative energies
  • Melissa - soothing, calming, good for easing stress
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce - grounding
  • Bergamot - contains mood-lifting properties
  • Myrrh - helps balance the production of many vital hormones
  • Vetiver - grounding, calming, and stabilizing
  • Geranium - strengthening and revitalizing
  • Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood - emotionally balancing and grounding
  • Ylang Ylang - used for balancing both male and female energies
  • Hyssop - known for its purifying properties
  • Rose - very high vibrational frequency
Don’t forget... just because these oils are part of the KidScents collection, it doesn’t mean that adults can’t benefit from them as well! 
Usage: Apply to the back of the neck, earlobes, forehead, or wrists. Diffuse as needed. Start with a few drops and adjust as you see fit.
When do you notice your kids (or yourself) needing some extra help focusing? 

Ahhh… this oil is just that - filled with power! It smells like a delicious creamsicle. It’s a unique, everyday blend formulated to help inspire feelings of confidence, courage, and positivity at home, at school, or on the playground. It can inspire, motivate, and empower them for their best day every day. It helps children find their power within! 
Check out all the oils inside this blend… 
  • Orange - has a bright, uplifting aroma
  • Vanilla - creates a comforting, welcoming atmosphere
  • Black Spruce - earthy and grounding to help balance the senses
  • Ho Wood - provides a floral, relaxing aroma
  • Blue Tansy - has a floral aroma that is uplifting to the senses
  • Frankincense - popular for meditation and promotes a comforting environment
  • Geranium - promotes peaceful, spiritual feelings
Usage: Apply to the wrists or back of the neck as needed. Diffuse daily; start with a few drops and adjust as you see fit.
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Fun question time - what is your kids’ favorite DESSERT?

KidScents Roll-On Collection
All these incredible kid-friendly blends come in regular 5 ml essential oil bottles, which make them perfect additions to your home. But did you know they also come in convenient ready-made rollers? Yes!! You can purchase them individually or you can push the easy button and grab a KidScents Roll-On Collection, which contains all 6 blends! 
Now you don’t have to worry about misplacing those precious bottles - just get the roller collection for your purse, backpack, or diaper bag and you’re good to go! You’ll be ready to roll at a moment’s notice. 
You can even grab a plastic nail polish holder from the local dollar store and set these awesome rollers out for your kids to apply themselves. (Obviously, use your judgment based on your kids’ ages.) This gives you a great opportunity to encourage your children to listen to their bodies and respond accordingly - how empowering!

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This collection also makes a great gift! Who in your life would LOVE this little bundle?


KidScents Personal Care Products
In addition to the line of KidScents oil blends, Young Living also offers an array of personal care products that can be used on your kiddos every single day to ensure nothing but the best is being absorbed into their little bodies.
KidScents Slique Toothpaste
This is the perfect toothpaste for kids of all ages. It makes a great starter toothpaste during those crucial years when kids are getting their primary teeth, but will also carry them to their teenage years, gently cleaning their teeth and gums with safe and natural ingredients. That means NO synthetic dyes or flavors. The addition of Slique Essence and Thieves essential oils make this highly effective at keeping teeth whiter, gums healthier, and combating plaque.

The other night I walked into the bathroom and my daughter had squerted a TON of toothpaste out on her toothbrush. Of course she popped it right into her mouth, sucked it all off and then asked for more. Who knows how many times she did that before I got into the bathroom. With other toothpaste I would flip it over and read “Do not swallow. Call poison control is swallowed.” Seriously? Call poison control if swallowed? This is made to be put in our mouth? You will not read that on Young Living toothpaste because it is SAFE. It is a huge relief for me that this is safe even if she eats some.  
KidScents Shampoo
Contains only the finest, natural ingredients for cleansing and balancing the pH of your children’s hair. You can have the peace of mind knowing that no mineral oils, synthetic perfumes, artificial colorings, or toxic ingredients are being absorbed through your kiddo’s skin. 

KidScents Bath Gel
This hypoallergenic gel is enriched with nourishing botanicals for a natural clean that is gentle on sensitive skin. It contains Tangerine and Lemon essential oil plus kiwi and cucumber extract - so it smells divine! Just apply a small amount to a washcloth or directly to the skin. Rub gently, then rinse. 
KidScents Lotion 
This lotion is enriched with nourishing botanicals in a non-greasy formula that absorbs quickly and is gentle on sensitive skin. It replenishes the skin’s hydration and contains only the best ingredients - including Tangerine, Lemon, Orange, and Rosemary. 
KidScents Tender Tush
This is an essential oil balm formulated with natural vegetable oils and pure essential oils - including Frankincense, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang - to moisturize and nourish dry skin. Made without synthetic perfumes, mineral oils, artificial colorings, or harsh chemicals, this mild essential oil moisturizer promotes healthy skin while soothing sensitive skin. Apply liberally to the diaper area as often as needed to help soothe and protect skin. And FYI - you don’t have to be a baby to reap the benefits of this balm. Wink Wink! ;) 
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Newbies: which of these do you want to try first? 
Not-so-newbies: which one of these is your favorites? Who do you know that could benefit from these? 

 KidScents Supplements 
Not only does Young Living offer our kids easy-to-use oil blends and personal care products, they also offer supplements. Hallelujah! Most conventional supplements contain synthetic ingredients, additives, or are loaded with sugar. Don’t waste your money on supplements that won’t help your children live above the wellness line. Invest in products that will. Check out these supplements specifically formulated with your babes in mind… 

KidScents MightyPro
It contains both pre- and probiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics help support digestion, the immune system, and emotional balance. They do this by stimulating and replenishing “good bacteria” through the live cultures. MightyPro has 8 billion active, live cultures! You can sprinkle it on cold food and drinks for easy consumption. It also tastes great on its own… think healthy Pixie Stick! Your kids will love it!
I love that they are in individual packets and it doesn't need to be refrigerated. My kids eat it like candy!
KidScents MightyVites
MightyVites include a full range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that deliver whole-food multinutrient support to your child’s general health and well-being. Free of preservatives and artificial colors and flavors, these delicious, berry-flavored chewables give your children full nutritional support. It does not contain synthetic folic acid or additives like some other kids’ vitamins on the market. It is extracted using hot water and is no different than the folic acid that is produced when boiling broccoli.
KidScents MightyZyme
MightyZyme chewables contain enzymes that naturally occur in the body that support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods. Enzymes are required for your body to function properly because without enzymes you wouldn't be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, or digest your food.
KidScents Unwind
Unwind is a kid-friendly magnesium supplement that helps promote a calm state, reduces restlessness and eases occasional irritability and sleeplessness, and improves focus and mental clarity in the home and in the classroom.
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Newbies: which of these do you want to try first? 
Not-so-newbies: which one of these is your favorite? Who do you know that could benefit from these?

Get the Best Deal
Before we close out, I want to be very upfront with you on HOW you can get these items in your home for the best price possible! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t tell you how to get the best deal?! Haha! 



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Newbies: What questions do you have?
Not-So-Newbies: Tell us why you decided to give Young Living a try! 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

Posh Pets

Posh Pets


Welcome to The Oily Pet blog post - I am so glad you’re here! I can’t wait to share about the safety of essential oils and pets, why quality oils matter, tips & tricks, DIY recipes, plus all the available ready-made Young Living products and oils made specifically for your pets. Your pets are going to love you forever. Well, they probably already do, but you know what I mean! Are you ready?

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Why choose Young Living?

 If you’re here, chances are you’ve heard about essential oils. But do you know what they are and why quality matters? Essential oils are the volatile aromatic compounds that come from plants - flowers, trees, bushes, roots, seeds, shrubs etc. In other words, they’re plant juice! The oils are typically extracted from the plants through steam distillation or cold-pressed extraction. How an essential oil is extracted can have a dramatic effect on its ability to influence its recipient - humans AND animals. It also matters what part of the plant is used to produce the oil, as well as the soil condition, the type of fertilizer used, geographical region, climate, altitude, and harvesting methods. The more the essence of the original plants stays intact, the more superior its profile of chemical constituents will be.


Young Living takes great pride in making sure you get a HIGH-quality essential oil and backs that guarantee all the way from the seed of the plant to the sealed bottle of oil. It’s called the Seed to Seal quality commitment. Check out some of the strict guidelines they abide by to fulfill their promise in sending only the best products to your home. 

  • plant material that is grown on corporately-owned farms or carefully vetted partner farms (that you CAN visit!)
  • sustainable farming and sourcing practices, providing the purest oil
  • great care taken to preserve and protect natural resources
  • hand-weeded fields and ZERO use of pesticides
  • oils that retain all their natural constituents and beneficial properties
  • use of food-grade distillers with state-of-the-art design and distillation methods
  • low pressure and low temperature distillation, without the use of solvents or synthetic chemicals
  • rigorous testing on each batch by internal labs and third-party facilities
  • oils that are carefully reviewed through every step of production in order to meet or exceed industry safety and purity standards (beyond organic!)

And the best part… if the oils do not meet these high standards they are rejected and will not be bottled as a Young Living product. Check out more info on their Seed to Seal promise at

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How to Use Oils with Pets


Now that you know how important QUALITY is when it comes to essential oils, you need to know what to do with them! For humans, you can apply them, diffuse them, and even ingest them. For animals, you can do the same with a few general guidelines to help you modify the usage based on your specific pet. 


The three main things to remember when using oils with pets is… 


  1. Less is more
  2. Gradual is better
  3. Moderation is wise


When applying oils to small animals like cats, small dogs, and exotics you generally want to dilute your essential oils at about 80-90% with a carrier oil and use around 3-5 drops with every application. That means use 2 drops of essential oil per 8 drops of carrier oil OR 1 drop of essential oil per 9 drops of carrier oil (80-90% dilution rate). Carrier oil refers to a fatty kitchen oil like coconut oil or Young Living’s V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex.


For larger animals like large dogs, goats, and pigs you can use 3-5 drops of the essential oil “neat” - that means with NO diltuion. If you are using an oil high in phenol, then go ahead and dilute it. Oils with high levels of phenol include Wintergreen, Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Clove, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Tea Tree, Laurus Nobilis, Mountain Savory, and Cinnamon Bark. For even larger animals like cattle, horses, and elephants you can use 10-15 drops neat per application (unless using an oil high in phenol, then dilute). 


Young Living has over 250 essential oil singles and blends so it can be a little overwhelming to know what oils are generally considered safe for animals to use. Here is a quick list of oils that have been used safely with most species. 


  • Lavender
  • Helichrysum
  • Frankincense
  • Clary Sage
  • Elemi
  • Geranium
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Valerian


Now let’s talk about a few usage ideas for the most common of pets. 


Canines - Small dogs can start with diffusing 1-4 drops in an open room. Larger dogs can start with direct oil application through petting, by mixing them into shampoos or soaps, or applying to the tops of their paws. You could also follow that up with a cold or hot compress to drive the oils in further. Internal application may be done by adding oils to the dog’s drinking water and/or food, putting them directly in the mouth, or putting them into a vegetable capsule. When giving the dog water or food with essential oils, use a stainless steel or ceramic bowl and offer the dog a second bowl without the oils, so they have a choice.


Felines - Felines are most receptive to diffusing, specifically the water-based ultrasonic diffuser models. As mentioned earlier, essential oils high in phenols should be avoided or used with caution as their liver processes the essential oil constituents differently than other species. You can administer oils to cats by petting them (with oils on your hand) or adding to kitty litter. Cats are pretty finicky when it comes to certain tastes so oils are not generally added to their food or water. 


Equines - When using essential oils with horses, mules, donkeys, minis, or zebras, some may require less or more dilution, depending on the oil and the individual animal. If the animal has red or fine hair or is finer boned (like Saddlebreds and Arabians) you may want to dilute the oil further. After using an oil on with equines, stay with them for 15-20 minutes to make sure they are comfortable. If you notice the animal frantically licking or rubbing the oil off or seems upset, dilute the oil further with a carrier. When introducing an oil to an equine, offer the oil to both nostrils, as each side of the brain processes information differently. Oils can be used on stable walls, in DIY sprays, added to secondary water troughs, or as you see fit for your specific animal. 


Avians - The best way to introduce essential oils to birds is by misting, spraying, or diffusing oils around them. Oils can still be applied topically, but because of their feathers and sensitive skin, it is best to test the bird’s tolerance with spraying or diffusing before direct application. Birds also respond quite readily to essential oils in their drinking water. Rule of thumb: 1 drop of oil per quart of water. This rule also applies to chickens and poultry. 


If you are at all concerned about what oils to use for your specific pet, consult a veterinarian that’s familiar with holistic approaches and using high quality essential oils for animal support. Another great resource to have on hand is the Essential Oils Desk Reference for Animals by Life Science Publishing. It has a section on nearly every kind of animal as well as usage guides, safety tips, recipes, and more!


DISCLAIMER: With the exception of the Animal Scents product line, Young Living products were formulated for human use. This class may include items not specifically labeled for animal use. If you would like to use these products for your animals, we would encourage you to do your own research and decide what works best for your pet.


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Whew! I know that post was a little long. Are you still with me? 


Safety Tips


Generally speaking, an animal will let you know if they don’t like an essential oil. Simply set out the bottle of oil and let your pet take a whiff. If the pet sticks around for a while or even licks the bottle, go ahead and try it. If the pet leaves or avoids you, remove the bottle and try it again another day. Don’t force the oil upon the animal, as it can cause stress. Once you find a set of oils to use with your pet, you’ll want to keep these safety tips in mind. 


  1. If you choose to diffuse around your animal make sure he/she has a way to leave the room if he/she doesn’t like the scent.
  2. Each species has varying levels of liver function, which means oils high in phenol, monoterpene, and ketone should be used sparingly - especially with felines. 
  3. Angelica, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, and other citrus oils are photosensitive and may cause a rash or dark pigmentation on skin that has been exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays within 1-2 days of application. It is best to dilute these oils or stick to diffusing them. 
  4. Keep essential oils away from the eye area and never directly put them in the ear. If oils do get into the eyes, use a carrier oil to remove them, not water. 
  5. If your pet is pregnant or nursing, it is best to consult a veterinarian health care professional when starting any kind of essential oil usage. 
  6. Use extra caution when using oils around animals with known allergies, high blood pressure, or a diagnosis of epilepsy. You may also want to consult a veterinarian health care professional.
  7. Before using oils internally with animals, test their reaction by diluting 1 drop of the oil in 1 teaspoon of oil-soluble liquid like olive or coconut oil. Please note that reactions can be delayed 2-3 days. 
  8. When adding oils to animal bath water, consider using a dispersing agent first. Use bath salts or a species-safe bath gel base to help the oils mix in rather than float on the surface, which can cause discomfort to the animal. 
  9. Start with a small amount of essential oil and allow your pet to adjust, especially if it has regular exposure to toxins like synthetic fragrances and animal care products, medications, or diet. Detoxification is a characteristic of essential oil usage and can be uncomfortable; take things slow. 
  10.  To avoid scent overload or detox reaction, try to limit the amount of different oils you use at a time. Try singles first and dilute further if needed. 


Now that you’ve got a good handle on how to use essential oils with your pets safely, let’s talk about some specific ways you can support your beloved animals, including products from Young Living’s Animal Scents line. 

 Before we move on, I would love to hear how you acquired your pet! Tell us how that special little guy or gal ended up in your family. 

 Coat & Skin Support


Just like humans, our pets’ skin is their biggest organ. It’s important to know what ingredients you’re putting on it and whether they’re harmful or not. Most products available at the store may sound safe but too often they are filled with ingredients that can prove otherwise. When you use Young Living you can rest assured that you are getting top notch quality oils and products for your pet, thanks to that incredible Seed to Seal promise. Let me share a few coat- and skin-supporting items you may want to have on hand.


  • Mendwell - soothes and moisturizes sensitive, distressed skin; aids in healing minor scrapes and scratches and has a pleasingly natural, earthy aroma.
  • Infect Away - helps clean wounds and soothes irritation; supports your pets with the beneficial properties of Myrrh and Dorado Azul essential oils.
  • PuriClean - helps cleanse minor scrapes and scratches; comforts irritations; features the skin-improvement properties of Patchouli and Mountain Savory.
  • Lavender - helps cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations; supports aging skin
  • Frankincense - promotes the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • Copaiba - can be massaged into fatigued areas after activity or applied to skin to promote the appearance of a youthful, radiant glow
  • Animal Scents Ointment - a rich, intensely hydrating salve that seals moisture into skin, replenishes skin’s moisture barrier, and absorbs smoothly; made with naturally derived ingredients
  • Animal Scents Shampoo - plant-based, deodorizing shampoo that gently cleans, moisturizes, conditions, and softens without stripping natural skin and coat oils; it also soothes dry, irritated, itchy, or rough skin and balances skin pH.

DIY Pet Collar Recipe 


This next recipe is perfect for that furry pup in your life. If you don’t own a dog, share this recipe with a friend who does!


DIY Pet Collar Recipe

  • 1 cup of water
  • 5 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Citronella
  • 1 drop Cedarwood
  • 2 drops Geranium 
  • 2 drops Kunzea
  • Dash of salt or witch hazel

Add ingredients to a bowl and stir. Add a cloth or leather collar to mixture; soak for 5 minutes. Remove collar from liquid and let dry before using. Pour remaining liquid into an empty spray bottle and use on pet before he/she goes outside. 

DIY Paw Balm 


If you are more of a Do-It-Yourself kind of person, you can easily whip up this balm for your dog’s paws. We all know how dry and cracked they can get depending on where you live and what the weather is like. This balm recipe from the Young Living blog will have your pup’s paws happy all year round. 


DIY Paw Balm 

  • 2 TBSP shea butter
  • 2 TBSP coconut oil
  • 2 TBSP beeswax
  • 1 tsp V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
  • 1 drop Animal Scents Mendwell
  • 1 drop Animal Scents Infect Away
  • 1 drop Animal Scents PuriClean


Combine ingredients in a small pot and place over medium heat until melted and mixed well. Pour into a small glass storage container and let cool for 2-3 hours or until fully solidified. Massage small amounts into your pet’s paws as needed. 

Digestive Support


Our beloved pets need support in this area - majorly! The gut controls so much of the rest of the body so it needs love. Many pet foods on the market today are highly deficient in nutrients yet highly dense in calories. The food and digestive support you choose can have a profound effect on the health of your animal. Our pets need us to nourish them, not just feed them. Let’s give them the best! Here are some essential oils to have on hand to help them in this area. 


  • ParaGize - contains a relaxing, quieting blend that can be applied to your pet’s abdomen; helps release feelings of discomfort with its comforting aroma
  • Ginger Vitality - supports the digestive system; key ingredient in DiGize, Digest & Cleanse, EndoGize, ICP, and Essentialzymes-4
  • DiGize Vitality - helps support and cleanse the digestive system; includes antioxidant properties
  • Peppermint Vitality - supports healthy digestive function and gastrointestinal comfort; enhances healthy gut function
  • Spearmint Vitality - helps calm tummies and supports normal digestion


If you have access to the incredible line of supplements Young Living carries you can also give your pet some of them for support. Note: the labels do not specify amounts for pets, but many Young Living pet owners use these supplements for support. Here are a few suggestions. 


  • Detoxzyme - combines a myriad of powerful enzymes that completes digestion, helps detoxify, and promotes cleansing. This important enzyme formula facilitates remarkable absorption of nutrients from foods and supplements.
  • Life 9 - a high-potency probiotic that builds and restores intestinal health. It also supports gut health and helps maintain normal intestinal function for the overall support of a healthy immune system.
  • NingXia Red - a powerful antioxidant supplement drink that supports immune function, liver function, brain and cognitive function, digestive health, proper muscle and joint health, eye health, and MORE!! 


While we are on the topic of supplements, be sure to check out the rest of the Young Living supplement offerings, especially Sulfurzyme, OmegaGize³, and Agilease. 

Dental Support


Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition for dogs. Have your dog’s teeth checked regularly by your veterinarian health professional and make sure to use your oils and supplements to support them. Cats need the support as well. Here are some oils and products from Young Living you can use in this area. 



  • Lemon/Lemon Vitality 
  • Thieves/Thieves Vitality 
  • Peppermint/Peppermint Vitality 
  • Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash
  • Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste
  • Animal Scents Pet Chews



  • Frankincense/Frankincense Vitality 
  • Copaiba/Copaiba Vitality
  • Clove/Clove Vitality
  • Thieves/Thieves Vitality


For dogs you can add the diluted oil of choice to a cotton swab and apply to the gum/mouth or mix the oil into a paste of baking soda and coconut oil and apply with an old toothbrush. You can also add 1 drop of oil to 2 quarts of drinking water. The mouthwash can be applied directly on gums with a clean rag or sponge and the toothpaste is the ONLY Young Living option that does not contain Xylitol - so it’s safe to use with dogs. 


For cats you can create an essential oil dilution of 10-25% with a carrier oil and apply near the lower jawbone and the neck. You can also add the oil to some watered-down NingXia Red and feed it to the cat. 

DIY Pup Toothpaste & DIY Puppy Snacks


I thought you might enjoy a couple quick recipes for that pup of yours. If you don’t have a dog, whip up these recipes for a friend that does! 


DIY Pup Toothpaste

  • ¼ cup organic coconut oil
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • 5-6 drops Peppermint Vitality 


Mix ingredients and store in 4 oz. mason jar. Use a toothbrush to apply to dog’s teeth. No need to rinse! 

Now how about a simple treat for that furry friend? 


DIY Puppy Snacks

  • 1 cup all-natural peanut butter
  • 1 tsp organic coconut oil
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality 


Place the coconut oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat and cook until melted. Add peanut butter and stir until mixture is completely smooth. Mixture should be thick but pourable. Remove from heat and add essential oil; stir well. Pour mixture into silicone molds and freeze until set. Carefully remove from tray and store in air-tight container in freezer. Note: You can adjust the coconut oil based on your dog’s weight. General rule of thumb: 1 tsp of coconut oil per 10 pounds of your dog’s body weight. 

Emotional Support 


Just like humans, our pets can sometimes require some emotional support. Typically dogs are the ones who tend to have separation anxiety, fear, or a phobia of sounds like loud thunderstorms, etc. This can be due to emotional trauma, predisposition from genetics, or poor digestive health. If your pet has severe anxiety it’s best to consult a Certified Dog Trainer or Certified Behaviorist to provide your pet with special care. You can most certainly use your oils to support your pet in this area as well. Here are a few veterinarian recommendations. 


  • T-Away - helps alleviate pets’ nervousness and supports feelings of comfort; can be applied topically or diffused to promote a balanced environment for your pets during times of tension.
  • Lavender - calming, relaxing, and balancing, both physically and emotionally
  • Frankincense - very grounding; improves attitude and uplifts spirits
  • Stress Away - promotes relaxation and helps relieve daily stress 
  • Peace & Calming - promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace and emotional well-being 
  • Valor - inspires confidence and courage


These oils can be applied by petting your dog and touching specific areas like the tops of their paws, stomach area, or by their ears. You can also diffuse these oils around your pet.

Odors & Cleanliness 


The last topic we will discuss today is odors! I know you love that precious pet of yours, but sometimes they stink. Ha! Everyone, even our pets, could use a little cleaning now and then. Thankfully, Young Living makes it easy for you! Be sure to have these products on hand and keep those odors at bay. 


  • Citrus Fresh - purifies the air from unwanted odors; adds a clean, uplifting scent to any environment
  • Purification - contains Lavandin, an ingredient that helps clean and purify the air
  • Animal Scents Shampoo - plant-based, deodorizing shampoo that gently cleans, moisturizes, conditions, and softens without stripping natural skin and coat oils; it also soothes dry, irritated, itchy, or rough skin and balances skin pH.
  • Thieves Household Cleaner - ultra-concentrated, plant-based cleaner that effectively deep cleans without the harsh or dangerous chemicals; safe for kids and pets 


It’s also important to note that sometimes YOU as the pet owner may need a little help staying clean, especially if you’re on poo patrol! You can rely on these two incredible Young Living products to save the day. 


  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap - combines effective plant-derived ingredients and powerful moisturizers to thoroughly clean hands without drying out skin
  • Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer - formulated with powerful essential oils and plant-based ingredients; kills 99.99% of germs

DIY Stinky Pet Room Spray 


Ok, last but not least, I wanted to leave you with a quick recipe that will have your house smelling lovely! You can even spritz this on furniture if you’d like! 


DIY Stinky Pet Room Spray 

  • 20 drops Citrus Fresh or Purification
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Distilled water


Add essential oil(s) and witch hazel to a 4 oz. glass spray bottle. Top with distilled water. Use as needed. 


How simple is that?! You can swap out the oil for whatever ones you and your pet enjoy. Get creative and make some with a friend or two! 


 Get the Best Deal


Before we close out this class, I want to be very upfront with you on HOW you can get these items in your home for the best price possible! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t tell you how to get the best deal?! Haha! 

Grab the link below and get the pet bundle. This bundle is a great starting place. It includes the basics, but feel free to add to or take away and create what is best for you. If you have any questions or need any help, click on the contact me tab and I will be more than happy to help you. 

This pet bundle has the most important things I feel is good for getting started with pet care. Click the link: THE PET BUNDLE

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  


It's said that 90% of sickness and disease has an emotional root. I believe that so deeply. Yet emotions are something we seem to dismiss. A tear on the cheek, an ache in the heart that paralyzes us; a word that MUST be spoken; deep, deep grief; depression so intense we can not get out of bed; anger, pain, or a lack of forgiveness toward another person that cripples us and keeps us from our potential. 

This topic is near my heart and it is one that drives me everyday to share with others. Below is my testimony. I have been in a place of sadness and pain. It seems as you will not get out of it. But if you will hang around for this lesson, you will find some answers that I believe could be a way out for you. 


"Anxiety is real. Emotional turmoil real. There was a time that I was so depressed and in pain it was miserable. I had just had baby 5 and I was so sick. I could not function. Within the first month of his life, I had the flu and the most horrendous UTI I had ever had. Like IV antibiotics for several days because it was so bad. By month 8 I was having surgery for kidney stones. 
I was also finding out at this time that I was borderline diabetic, had high blood pressure,  I felt sick all the time, I could hardly walk because I hurt constantly, I had terrible post partum, and I was 80 pounds over weight. Even though the people in my life was so wonderful and supportive, I was drowning inside. It was a personal misery. Secretly I was afraid I was going to die and I would not be able to see my kids grow up. It was such a dark time and I really didn't know what to do to come out of this. 
As I stared at a prescription for High blood pressure the doctor had just handed and listened to him say "If you have not lost weight by the time you come back, you will have to be put on something for diabetes," I realized I didn't want to take this route. 
I realized that I had to take this into my own hands and I had to allow my body to heal on its own and I had to make the changes I needed to make. No one was going to make it for me. The doctor's solution was medication. That was not my solution. I became so relentless in my desire to take care of me and to find healing for my body naturally. 
It was definitely a very long road but it came. After more doctor visits with more specific questions on my part and looking for specific answers for why I felt so miserable and was in pain all the time, I found some answers and began to eat differently, feeling better a little each day. Through healing my gut, I actually began to heal emotionally and physically. It was such a surprise. It took totally coming outside of my normal and doing something that was not what we typically want to do. 
In the end, I lost 80 pounds, didn't have to go on any medicine, depression gone, and I feel better than I have in my LIFE. That was 9 years ago. 
So, why do I tell you this story. Because 3 things: 
1. We serve a great big God who made our bodies to heal themselves naturally. He made them to function in a very specific way. And I feel HE is bigger than me and He always knows best. WE just have to learn to TRUST HIM! 
2. I realized, after many hours of study, that everything leads to the gut. I was slowly killing myself with what I was eating everyday. I was doing the damage myself. I had to make a choice. I had to choose life or death. It is so hard to when you are in the midst of the misery to see past that misery, but we serve a God who is bigger still than that misery. 
3. I realized that depression meant that I was putting my trust in me not in the God of the universe. I was putting my life on the side of fear and NOT faith! WE STILL HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE EVERYDAY.  We choose what we are going to tell ourselves to believe everyday. Do we want to continue to tell ourselves we are sad and lonely, miserable or sick OR are we going to choose to tell ourselves that we are beautiful, worthy, and  loved by a God who loves to love on his kids? 
We are not promised that life will be easy. But we are promised that God will never leave or forsake us EVER. That is all that matters. That is what we have to hold on to more than anything. God does not cause the bad things in our lives. Satan is chaos and misery and fear. GOD IS LOVE!
The Bible says in James 1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." When I read this verse one day in a sad miserable place, I realized that if my heart was saying one thing and my mind was saying something opposite, then I was a double minded man. I can not succeed when MY THINKING AND FEELING WERE NOT ALIGNED! Again, I had to choose what I was going to tell myself. I had to choose to KNOW that....
I am loved!
I am worthy!
I am beautiful!
I am a child of the most high GOD! And He made me special for a special purpose. 
If you need some love today, if you are looking for some direction in your health, if you are tired of feeling depressed and being miserable, please pm me. I would love to help you find some relief. I love you! xo"

I have found that when I was intentional with my self-care, I could handle the pressure of everything surrounding me with so much more ease. It truly makes a difference when you want to backhand your children, but instead reach for Stress Away, and take 60-seconds to breathe it in. It makes even more of a difference doing a 30-day emotional self-release protocol for 5 minutes at bedtime. Sometimes we caught up in how we FEEL that we don't take the time to change it. WE just sit in it. 

So, today as you watch the next 3 videos, keep your mind open to what can be. Be open to love, feel, and allow yourself the room to heal. Enjoy the lesson and let me know some amazing takeaways you discover when you are done. 


"No plant can live if the root is cut away."  Louise l. Hay (Heal Your Body)

A simple daily protocol for keeping emotions in tact throughout the day. 


One of the most powerful ways to use the oil is for emotional support. It's where oils really get to show off. Just be sure you are using an "authentic" truly pure essential oil- not one filled with chemicals. 

The limbic lobe is the place I'd hang out if I were working on emotions. This is the emotional center of the brain. The second area I would focus on with emotions would be the gut. All things come back to the gut. 

"In the name of Jesus Christ, Subconscious, Conscious, heart, Mind, Will, Nervous System, Brain, RNA, DNA, and every genetic anomaly out of alignment with my pattern of perfection*, please locate the origin of my conscious and subconscious destructive cellular memories which caused the incorrect perceptions that created thoughts/feelings/belief of _________________________ (negative emotion)
Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my being to these origins. Analyze and resolve them perfectly with God the Father's Truth. 

Come forward through all generations of time and eternity, healing every event and its appendages based on origins. Please do it according to God the Father's will, until I'm at the present, filled with light and truth, God's Immanence, peace and love, benevolence, forgiveness of myself for my imperfect perceptions, having compassion for every person, place, circumstance, and event which contributed to any of these destructive memories, feelings, thoughts, or beliefs. With total forgiveness and unconditional love, I ask that my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual memory of perfection resonate throughout my being. 
I choose ________________________________ (insert positive feeling)
I feel  __________________________________ (same truth)
I am ____________________________________ (same truth)

It is done! It is healed! It is accomplished now! 

Thank you for coming to my aid and working together to help me rid my being of stress and attain the full measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you and I praise God the Father from whom all blessings flow. 

Now all facets of my being, please put this scripting on automatic so it repeats itself through each and every cell and fiber of my being every hour of every day for the next 180 days (or however long is best for me), thereby restoring perfectly healthy frequencies throughout my being and returning me to my original purpose, power, and magnificence! And it is done! Amen!" 

*And God said, "Let us make men in our image, after our likeness." Genesis 1:26
When we have Jesus, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside of us. The Bible also said that we are all made in His likeness. So, through these thoughts we have a "perfection" that is in us. When Adam and Eve sinned, we no longer live with that perfection, we of course, sin as well. But in order for us to fully live up to our potential, we must realize that the same creator that created this world still lives in us and is working through us all the time. We need to stop living in the past sin and past hurts and live to our full potential and BE LIKE CHRIST. 

The other piece to this script is the beginning where it says "In the name of Jesus Christ, conscious. subconscious, heart,  and mind, etc." Everything we know comes into our conscious mind. We see, taste, touch, and feel all things around us. Our conscious mind only knows what it is being told and it must believe what it see, or hears. BUT our subconscious mind CAN NOT TELL FACT FROM FICTION! This means we can "lie" to ourselves and it will begin to believe us. So, if I say, "I am ugly" over and over again - my subconscious does not know any better so it believes it. BUT if I say, "I am beautiful" over and over (even if you do not believe it at first), over time it will begin to believe it. Our minds are powerful. God is amazing! 

So, when reading this script allow yourself to go back to a happier time in your life. Allow your mind to completely absorb what you are reading. These words will soak in and begin to totally change the way you feel and think.  

This is a crash course in achieving better emotions. But if you are really serious about having better health in your mind, body, and spirit, then join me on a 28 day journey to a mindset that will change your entire life and help you achieve the health you are looking for. CLICK HERE to learn more and get signed up. 

Ready to get started with your oil journey,

I pray peace for you and a new journey of health. This journey of life is amazing and we have to CHOOSE what we are going to think, believe,  and do everyday. I love you. 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

It is Well

It is Well
As I sat listening to some worship music while I work, one of my favorite songs came on, “It is Well.” As I listened to the words of the song, it began to really sink in what this song meant and what it was telling us.

“And far be it from me to not believe
Even when my eyes can’t see
And this mountain that’s in front of me
Will be thrown into the midst of the sea
And through it all, through it all
My eyes are on you
And through it all, though it all
It is well.”

As I think about all the things we live through in this life on a daily basis, some harder than others, I realize that no matter what God is there. He is going to take that mountain and throw it into the sea. It may not be today, but He is working each and every day on your behalf.

″I will extol you, O LORD, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
O LORD, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;

you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.
Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime.

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30:1-5 ESV

Hang in there my friend. Joy comes in the morning. Hold tight to these words of Psalms. We were not promised life would be easy, but we were promised that God would never leave us or forsake us.

But God does not do anything without giving us a way out. God made our brains so amazing. We can change our habits and our circumstances when we understand a few rules about our brains.

Each one of us have ruts in our brains that are formed by habits we do everyday. We begin to smoke and then create a habit to do it everyday. We make our bed – out of habit. We put on our shoes, brush our teeth, comb our hair the same way – out of habit. Some habits are great while others, not so much.

But we have complete control over these habits. But what about how we think about life in general? How about our circumstances when they are so bad and we can’t see a way of the debt or despair we are in at the present?

These are all habits as well. We have trained our brains to look at the negatives of life. We are have taught our minds that life is how it is and we can not do anything about it. We have been told our whole life that some people are born rich so they are automatically rich, so we live in a place of “poverty of mind” because we do not think that it is possible for a poor person to get out of that poverty place.

We have allowed ourselves to believe that we are not good enough to do anything different or live any differently or that we are not worthy to be what we want to be. I am here to tell you that you have control over every aspect of your life. You can change how you think, how you feel, how you live everyday of your life. It all comes down to habits.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” We speak either life or death over ourselves everyday. When we allow ourselves to live in negative places and attitudes we continue to live “groundhog day” over and over again. It is an endless cycle. By putting our trust in the Lord in all things and then speaking good words over ourselves, we can begin changing how we live our life each and everyday. It sounds so simple, but it can be a challenge when you have lived in negativity your whole life.

Today, I challenge you to live in the positive. SPEAK LIFE! If something happens at work, grab your ear buds and listen to worship music. Begin a grateful journal and write all you are thankful for down in the journal. When something happens, praise God for the circumstance.

Listen to “It Is Well”. This song brings me peace on so many days when I don’t really know how to pray over something or when I am having trouble feeling thankful for anything. 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  
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