A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start

We are nearing the end of the year and it has been a doozy! But we all ready for a new year and a new lease on life. This month we have been working through a stunning book called "The Essential Oil Truth: The Facts Without The Hype". 
I wanted to share these fantastic lessons with you because I feel like this world is living day to day and not really living. We need hope as a people. We need to see that life can be great  and fun and that life is not just living and getting by, but it is using our marvelous mind that God gave us for greater awareness and expansion. 
These short videos and lessons will be a guide for you as you get closer to the new year to brighten your outlook and get you moving in a healthier more opulent direction this coming year. 

Lesson 1: How to Reprogram Misinformation in your DNA

We will cover several topics throughout this video today that will be truly eye opening:
  • Learn what PMS oils are and how they affect every part of our bodies - from emotions to dis-ease. 
  • How oils "leap" and why that is important when using essential oils and why our bodies like that idea. 
  • How you can begin today to reprogram that DNA that is getting some pretty bad information   

Lesson 2:How Young Living Essential Oils Work In The Brain

Today's lesson will blow your mind. I have been using Young Living for 7 years and I still get my mind blown over something I learn everyday. We will be discussing today some of the
  • History behind essential oils
  • How the oils work in your brain
  • What others have used oils for in the past 
  • How essential oils work in general 

Lesson 3: Studies Behind Essential Oils from Doctors and chemist

This is one of my favorite lessons because this is where we begin to really see the difference in how the oils work, why, and the studies others have done on them. Some studies discussed in video are: 
  • Cancer
  • drug toxicity 
  • Sacred Frankincense
  • Natural healing by stimulating and reinforcing the body's own mechanisms. 
  • regenerating and oxygenating immune defense. And so much more

Lesson 4: How and Why Essential Oils Work 

Did you know that Young Living essential oils work on a total different scale than any other oils as well as working in a more marvelous manner than medication. We will be learning today some reasons why this is so:
  • How many cells are in the human body? 100 million cells
  • Why is the number 40 million trillion important? 
  • How concentrated essential oils really are.
  • What is the blood brain barrier? And what does it do?
Ok. I know that seems like a lot of math and science and you may not like either of those subjects, BUT I don't think you can afford to miss this lesson today. THIS IS THE. MOST. IMPORTANT. LESSON OF ALL!!!! 
Grab a pen and paper and listen close. You may even want to listen several times. This is so important. I can not stress it enough. 

Lesson 5: Can people overdose on Essential oils

This is probably one of the most asked question ever. I get this all the time, so it is important to watch this video and understand how you are using your oils, are they safe, as well as, what kind you are using- all of these questions are highly important. We will be discussing: 
  • FDA approvals 
  • What is vitality oils
  • GRAS
  • amount of oils used in a single dosage. 

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  

Living By Design- Not BY Default

Living By Design- Not BY Default
Hi, I am Mari Handley with Mari's Essentials. Six years ago I was struggling with feeling like I had no purpose. I was a stay-at-home mom of 5 at the time (now we have 6 little peeps), I homeschool, and I lived everyday for them. I cooked, cleaned, ran them to all their activities, and made sure they learned everything they needed to learn. But I felt like I had nothing specifically for me. My husband has a great job and worked his little tushy off to keep me at home and I am so very thankful for that. But I missed having relationships with other moms and meeting people.

I became a hairdresser out of high school. I loved the smell of the salon, helping people feel good about themselves, and being a glorified "therapist". When I got pregnant with our first baby girl, I decided it was more important to be at home with her, so I left the salon and came home- eventually having 5 more babies and homeschooling. While I have totally loved being a mom and doing the things I have done all these year, I missed the interaction with adults. I really didn't know what I was missing, but I knew something was off and I was getting depressed.

In November of 2013, my children were all sick and we were going to be going to the doctor on the following Monday. A friend of mine told me she would bring me some samples of some things she wanted me to try. I was shocked when she came in with the 3 small bottles and rubbed them on my little people's chests. As I used them over the weekend, I was shocked to watch their little immune systems and their bodies become stronger. By Monday, we no longer needed to go to the doctor and needless to say, I was buying a Starter Kit! We never looked back. Since then we have gone to the doctor rarely (mainly well visits and a handful of sick visits in 6 years). My youngest, 4 years old, has never had an antibiotic and my 7 year old has only had 2 antibiotics, ever. Because we are able to stay above the wellness line and keep immune systems boosted, we are able to avoid a lot of things that others have issues with on a regular basis.

Once I began to see all the benefits we were each one experiencing on a daily basis, I began to share with everyone what I knew about this amazing gift we had discovered. By the end of my first month, I had shared with several people who decided they wanted the same benefits, so they jumped in with me. In December 2013, I got my first paycheck (which I was surprised about) for $230. I was so excited. I also realized by the end of November that the depression I had been experiencing was beginning to diminish as well and I was making some awesome new friends. This was a huge God send for me. Not only was I beginning a new health journey and discovering some healthier ways to live, but I was also making some money which was an exciting added bonus.

By March of 2014, I had hit several new ranks within the company which has an average income of $2,000 a month (see income disclosure below). When I had baby number 6 in June of 2015, I decided to take a break from my business to soak up all the time I could with her since she would be the caboose. Even through all that time, I continued to receive my paycheck even though I was not physically working myself. How could I get a paycheck without working? Because of the time I had put in the year before working and building my team and clients, I didn't have to lose out on a paycheck. What job gives you a maternity leave like that? That is the beauty of residual income! It keeps paying you after you have put in the work on the front end.

I can not imagine doing anything else in this world! I love this business. I love that I am able to continue to homeschool my children, work from home, cook for my family, clean my house, and love my husband each and everyday. I am able to do all the things that I want to do and still make money. I am so very spoiled! This is my Oola life (join me and you will learn all about the Oola life- you can have it too) #oolalife.

If you are in a place of just wanting more for you or if you are at a place of needing more for your family, you need this business. You will not regret it!

Below is an audio I want you to listen and truly soak in what she is saying. I want you to think about some of the things she is talking about. Sarah Harnisch and her husband were living on welfare, had 5 kids, and were working 4 jobs. It took her 5 weeks to save up enough money to buy her Starter Kit for $165. But when she got her kit and she began to share with others, her business took off. She was on the run. You will hear her in this audio explaining about the beauties of this company and what it is all about. Listen and take notes on what you hear and discover what makes this company so great. 

When I first started in 2013, all I wanted was to make a little extra money so we could do some extra fun things. I did that in a very short time and I was thrilled. That money has helped us a ton. But after I came back after the baby, I began to see friends of mine hitting crazy goals and reaching the highest ranks and seeing their husbands retiring from their jobs and come home. I saw them taking vacations all the time and going to dream places. I saw them doing things that I really had not thought about being possible.
As I watched all this unfold before my eyes, I began to get a burning desire to not only help my family, but I realized my desire and purpose of helping others as well. Now I have the privilege to share this incredible health and wellness journey with YOU so you can discover the most pristine products in the world! by being a part of this team of like minded individuals, you are helping me to empower a community to making solid decisions for their families health. You are part of a movement that is taking this world by storm. Our team has a goal of reaching 30,000 homes with the message of health, wellness, and abundance by December 2020. And you can be a part of that movement! Let's lock arms and lets do this! #diamondrising #livinfreedom #thisisyouryear 

I would love to show you a little piece of who I am. Here is a video to share with you a little more about our journey Living by Design not default


But if  you are asking what is in this for you, look below:

Benefits of this company: 
  1. No income ceiling - this means you can make as much or as little as you want to.
  2. You are your own boss! NO one to answer to
  3. The timing has never been better- since the health industry is becoming the largest industry in the world, it is the best time to start a wellness company. Young Living has grown 300% in just 4 years! It is the fastest growing marketing company in the world. Not to mention having the greatest oils on the planet. 
  4. Willable income- Once you make $3,000 a month, you can write a personal will and fill out paperwork to go to your children or beneficiaries forever!
  5. You can take time off - and still get paid! Taking off after the baby was something I was able to do because I wanted to spend time with her and give total attention to her, but when I was ready to start back up my business was still there and so was my income. 
  6. Relationships: the surprise benefit - I mentioned this before, but I will say it again. I have truly met some of the most amazing people in this business and I have made some awesome new friendships! I love this company!
  7. Guaranteed Bonuses- Oh. MY. Word. This company loves to love on its members! They give so many bonus trips for those who work hard. When you hit silver, you can earn a FREE fully paid trip to Utah to the farm. At each level from there, you get a different trip fully paid for to another farm all over the world. You earn so many extra money on your paycheck each time you rank up, as well as, having one of the best comp plan from any company I have ever seen!
  8. No inventory to carry: You NEVER have to keep inventory on hand and you will never have to deliver products to the client. This was huge for me. You will help your people create their own account, they will place their own orders, and the company will send your clients order to them!
  9. Financial freedom - This is your way out! If you are drowning in debt, if you are working with no raise in sight, if you are longing to travel, or if you want to be at home with your kids. Whatever freedom you are wanting in your life, this is your way out! The worst day in this business has been better than my best day at any other job I have ever had! This is freedom!!! 
  1. You will get complete one on one training by me personally. You will learn all you need to know in how to be successful in this business so you can find the freedom you are looking for. As well as, a community that will support you in all your growth and cheer you on.
  2. FB groups for you and your team to be able to grow and learn and continue your education
  3. Sign up for your PSK (premium starter kit) after listening to the audio within 5 days of reading this post and receive your training materials for FREE and your resource guide that tells you all about the products and how to use them (a $55 value)
  4. FB Leader groups where you will have access to tons of training on how to share this business and products with others.
  5. Opportunity to go to extra training.
  6. The best non-toxic products on the planet in a trillion dollar industry that can be used on babies, children, women, men, animals. And products that span all the full spectrum of cleaning, makeup, vitamins, supplements, and will totally help you and your family have good health and wellness.
  7. I will teach you how not to be a salesperson. If you want to be a sales person, than this business will not be for you. This business is about to teaching others how to have wellness, purpose, and abundance. I never sell - I share. You will never push someone into doing anything they don't want to do.
  8. The cheapest startup cost- This is the best company and cheapest startup cost of any company around. It only cost $165 to get started with a premium starter kit. You will receive all the items you need to get started so you can learn about your product and sharing with others. what is in the starter kit
SIGNUP LINK: sign up here (be sure to click on "become a member" this is what you will want to do to be able to start your business. Your startup cost is only $165. This includes everything you need to get started right. Once you have signed up within the next 5 days, I will send you all your business information to help you get started making money quickly and easily. 

  1. People who love people. You don't have to be an outgoing person, but you need to be able to love people and meet them where they are. You will need to be able to not pre-judge people and to accept them for who they are. 
  2. Be coachable. This means you will need to be able to follow directions. While this is your business, I will be putting a lot of time into training you. With this in mind, I am looking for people who will want to make money and make it quick and are willing to do what I tell them to do in a timely manner. The first 90 days of your business will be the most crucial time, so it is going to be extremely important that you are able and willing to spend time on your training. 
  3. Be self-motivated and able to set your own hours each week. Even though you will be having your own business, you will not make money if you are not working. So you will need to set business hours and work those hours each week. Whether this is a full time or part time venture for you, you set those hours and work those hours. 
  4. Realize that I am training you, but this will be your business. Whether you make a butt load of money or you fail miserably, it will all be your doing. I will not be bugging you to get your work done, I will not be doing the business for you, I will not contact people for you. This will be your business! You are the boss! 
  5. Grow personally. This is something that I never expected to do and never expected it to be a big deal, but it has completely been a game changer and one of the greatest experiences ever!! I will provide many resources for you to use for personal growth. You will not be sorry. I promise.  
  6. When you embrace this business, become coachable, are willing to grow personally, and put in the work I ask you to- your business will grow and you will make a ton of money! So get ready for something awesome to happen.  
People are in need and you have the answer for their pain. Think about the people you know who are hurting emotionally, financially, and physically and share with them the purpose, wellness, and abundance we have to offer!
My promise to you:
I am grateful and happy to have you come be a part of my community. I pour relentlessly out my heart and time into every aspect of this business, my people, and my team! I promise if you are eager, motivated, strong, hard working, coachable, and hungry I will lock arms with you in excitement to bring you and your team to the next level of success. YOU deserve the opportunity to bring your team to the next level of success so they too can experience wellness, purpose, and abundance. My heart is to help you reach the goals you have set out before you so you can Live your life by design - not default

What's next: 
  • Fill out this google form and I will message you with more information. 
  • Listen to this audio to Learn about our company
  • Receive all training materials and begin training, sharing, and growing.
  • Income Disclosure - these are crazy numbers, but you can do this. The more effort you put into your business the more you will get out of it. Let me help you reach your dreams.
Now, what will you choose? Food for thought:
  • What are some things you would like to see happen in the next 6 months? EX. Making more money, taking a dream vacation, buying a new car, paying off or lowering debt.
  • Do you wish you had time to spend with family and friends?
  • Would you like to take vacations when you want to?
Think about this:
  • Do you think if you do not join my team that things will be better in 6 months or a year?
  • Will you be happy doing exactly what you are doing now 20 years from now?
  • Do you have a dream that is stirring inside you? Does this dream require a massive amount of money? 
Napleon Hill said, "Success requires no apologies, failure permits no alibis." 
"The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality." You have a purpose on this earth and sometimes our purposes need some backing. Let me help you uncover your dreams and them a reality. I am so excited to lock arms with you and start a whole new journey together. 
One year from now you will need a telescope to see your past! Let's get started. 
Welcome to our team. I cannot wait to get to know you and share this amazing community of like-minded people with you.

There are 100,000 chemicals on the market today. The toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 grandfathered them in. What does that mean to you? Simply put: these chemicals have not had any safety testing, and we know very little information about their side effects. Since 1940's prostate cancer is up 200%, Thyroid cancer up 155%, Brain cancer up 70%. What happens when your body is chemically overloaded? It may not be cancer, but we can feel in ways like: lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, skin issues, adult acne, hot flashes, stress, anxiety, and fear. 
If you are tired of living in a chemically overloaded world, click the link below and learn how easy it is to change out chemicals for toxic-free living.  
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